An Application of Newton's Law of Cooling

Determination of time of death

Police arrive at the scene of a murder at 12 am. They immediately take and record the body's temperature, which is 90o, and thoroughly inspect the area. By the time they finish the inspection, it is 1:30 am. They again take the temperature of the body, which has dropped to 87o, and have it sent to the morgue. The temperature at the crime scene has remained steady at 82o. When was the person murdered?


Let T(t) be the temperature of the body at time t; take t=0 to be 12 midnight. We have this information.

Time  Body Temp. Ambient Temp.
0 hr     90           82
1.5 hr   87           82
Here, Newton's law of cooling is:
dT/dt=k*(82-T), where k is an unknown constant.

This is a separable ODE. Solve it in these steps.
  1. Put it in differential form. (T-82)-1dT = - k*dt
  2. Integrate both sides. ln|T-82|= - k*t + C (Implicit form of solution.)

Next, we need to find k and C in step 2. From the table, we get
ln|90 - 82| = - k*0 + C ( T(0)=90 )
ln|87 - 82| = - 1.5*k + C ( T(1.5)=87 )

Simplifying and solving these, we get C=ln(8) and k=ln(8/5)/1.5. Inserting these in the implicit form of the solution in step 2, and using T(tD)=98.6 at the time of death, we have
ln|98.6 - 82| = - tD*ln(8/5)/1.5 + ln(8)
tD = - 1.5*ln(16.6/8)/ln(8/5) = - 2.3296, about 9:40 pm.
One can also graphically determine the time of death. Below are the MALAB commands for doing this.
t=-3:0.01:3; T=82+8*exp(-0.3133*t);
[t_D,T_D]=ginput(1) %Graphically locate the time t_D at which T=98.6

%MATLAB output from the previous command.
t_D =


T_D =


hold on; plot(t_D,T_D,'or') %Plot the point (t_D,T_D)
title('Determination of Time of Death')
xlabel('Time t in hours'); ylabel('Temperature in degrees')
gtext('\leftarrow T=82+e^{-0.3133*t}') %Put text on graph.
gtext('(-2.3364, 98.5614)') %Put text on graph.
hold off
This results in the plot below. Temperature  Plot