Topics in Applied Mathematics I

Math 311h - Fall 2003

Instructor: Dr. Francis J. Narcowich
Office: 302 Milner Hall
Phone: 845-7369
URL: /~francis.narcowich/
Office Hours, TBA and by appointment

Catalogue Description: Topics in Applied Mathematics I. (3-0). Credit 3. I, II, S Matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization of symmetric matrices. Vector analysis, including normal derivative, gradient, divergence, curl, line and surface integrals, Gauss', Green's and Stokes' theorems. Prerequisite: MATH 221, 251 or 253 and MATH 308 or concurrent enrollment therein.

Required Text: Richard E. Williamson and Hale F. Trotter, Multivariate Mathematics, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004.

Syllabus: The course will cover parts of chapters 1-7 and 9.

Grading System & Tests: Your grade will be based on homework, two in-class tests (October 1 & October 29), small projects and a comprehensive final exam (Monday, December 15, 8-10 am). The homework will count for 15% of your grade, each in-class test for 20%, projects for 20%, and the final exam for 25%. Your letter grade will be assigned this way: 90-100%, A;80-89%, B; 70-79%, C; 60-69%, D; 59% or less, F.

Homework I will pick up homework on a weekly basis. Late homework will not be accepted. If for a legitimate reason you miss an assignment, I will simply drop the grade from your score.

Projects Three or four small projects will be assigned during the course. Due dates and details will be given as they are assigned.

Make-up Policy: I will give make-ups (satisfactory equivalents) only in cases authorized under TAMU Regulations. In borderline cases, I will decide whether or not the excuse is authorized. Also, if you miss a test, contact me as soon as possible.

Copying Course Materials: ``All printed hand-outs and web-materials are protected by US Copyright Laws. No multiple copies can be made without written permission by the instructor.''