Topics in Applied Mathematics I

Math 311-102 — Summer I, 2007

Instructor: Dr. Francis J. Narcowich
Office: 302 Milner Hall
Phone: 845-7369
URL: /~francis.narcowich/
Office Hours: 1:45-2:30 daily, and by appointment
Course Topics: Matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization of symmetric matrices, inner product spaces, orthogonal functions, Bessel functions, and a review of Stokes's theorem and the divergence theorem. Prerequisite: MATH 221; 251 or 253; and MATH 308 or concurrent enrollment therein.

Required Text: Richard E. Williamson and Hale F. Trotter, Multivariable Mathematics, 4th ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 2004.

Syllabus: The course will cover most of chapters 1-3 in the text, and also selected sections in chapters 9 and 14. In addition, it will cover the material in the copyrighted web notes listed below. You are given permission to print one copy of each for use in connection with this course.

Grading System & Tests: Your grade will be based on homework, two in-class tests (11 June & 25 June), and a final exam (2 July, 1-3 pm). The homework will count for 15% of your grade, each in-class test for 25%, and the final exam for 35%. Your letter grade will be assigned this way: 90-100%, A; 80-89%, B; 70-79%, C; 60-69%, D; 59% or less, F.

Homework: I will pick up homework on a daily basis. Usually, I will assign several problems, only one of which will be graded. Late homework will not be accepted. However, if, for a legitimate reason you miss an assignment, I will simply drop the grade from your score.

Make-up Policy: I will give make-ups (or satisfactory equivalents) only in cases authorized under TAMU Regulations. In borderline cases, I will decide whether or not the excuse is authorized. Also, if you miss a test, contact me as soon as possible.

Academic Integrity

Copying Course Materials:   "All printed hand-outs and web-materials are protected by US Copyright Laws. No multiple copies can be made without written permission by the instructor."

Aggie Honor Code:   "An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do."

Americans with Disabilities Act Policy Statement: "The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe that you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities, in Room 126 of the Koldus Building or call 845-1637."

Updated 5/28/07 (fjn).