Math 603-601 - Fall 2002


Assignment 8

  1. Find the solution to the system dx/dt = Ax, if x(0) = [1 1]T and A =
     3  4
    -1 -1
    Note: A is not diagonalizable. You need to find a basis for which A is in Jordan normal form.

  2. Let B = {f1 = i+j+k, f2 = i-j+k, f3 = j-k}.
    1. Find the metric tensor g. Use it to find the basis reciprocal to B, B* = {f1, f2, f3}.
    2. For each of the vectors u = 3i-j-2k and v = i-4j+3k, find the contravariant and covariant components relative to B and B*.
    3. Verifiy that all of the following are the same: u·v,  [v]BTg[u]B,  [v]B*Tg-1[u]B*,   [v]B*T[u]B, and [v]BT[u]B*

  3. This exercise concerns the cross product. Let B = {f1, f2, f3} be a basis for 3D displacements, and let B* = {f1, f2, f3} be the basis reciprocal to B. In addition, let W = f1·f2×f3. be the "signed" volume of the parallepiped formed by the vectors in B. If uk and vk are the kth contravariant coordinates for u and v, respectively, then show that u×v is the determinant of
    Wf1 Wf2 Wf3
    u1 u2 u3
    v1 v2 v3
    Show that if B = {i,j,k}, then this reduces to the familiar form of the cross product.

  4. Find the inertia tensor about the center of mass for a rigid body composed of eight equal masses placed at the vertices of a cube centered at the origin and having sides of common length 2a. (That is, the eight vertices are (a,a,a), (a,a,-a), (a,-a,a), and so on.)

  5. Consider the tetrahedron with vertices (0,0,0), (a,0,0), (0,b,0), (0,0,c). Let A and n be the area and normal for the inclined face, and let Aj be the area of the face with outward normal -ej, where e1 = i, e2 = j, and e3 = k.
    1. Show that A n = A1e1 + A2e2 + A3e3. (Hint: the area of a triangle in space formed by vectors U and V is ½|U×V|.)
    2. Show that the volume V of the tetrahedron is given by V = (2A1A2A3)½/3 and that V < (2½/3)A3/2.
Due Thursday, 14 November.