Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable II

Math 618--Spring 1998

Instructor: Dr. Francis J. Narcowich
Office: 302 Milner Hall
Phone: 845-7369
URL: /~francis.narcowich/
Office Hours: MW 10:00-11:00 & 1-2, T 11-11:50, and by appointment

Prerequisites. MATH 617 or the equivalent.

Syllabus We will cover the following material: infinte products, Weierstrass factorization theorem, Mittag-Leffler's theorem, normal families, Riemann mapping theorem, analytic continuation, Picard's theorems, and other related topics. Most of this material is in chapters VII-XII in Conway's book.

Required Text
  1. John B. Conway, Functions of One Complex Variable I, 2nd ed., Springer/Verlag Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978.
Supplementary Books
  1. Lars V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New york, 1966.
  2. R. V. Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960.
  3. Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New york, 1974.


Grading. Your grade will be based on homework, a midterm test, and a final exam. The homework will count for 20% of your grade, the midterm for 30%, and the final exam will count for the remaining 50%. Your letter grade will be assigned this way: 90-100%, A; 80-89%, B; 70-79%, C; 60-69%, D; 59% or less, F.

Make-up Policy: If you miss a test, contact me immediately. I will give make-ups (or satisfactory equivalents) only in cases authorized under TAMU Regulations.

Copyrights The handouts used in this course are copyrighted. By "handouts," I mean all materials generated for this class, which include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes, exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are copyrighted you do not have the right to copy the handouts, unless I expressly grant permission.