Math 658-600 Final Exam Review

The final exam will be given on December 11, 2012, from 8-10 am in our usual classroom. We will skip the material on the Radon transform. The test will cover sections 9.1-9.4 in the text. In addition, it will cover the Notes on Scattered-Data Radial Function Interpolation, the Notes on Spherical Harmonics, and the material on rotations that we discussed in class. The test will have 5 to 7 questions, some with multiple parts; questions will involve problems or propositions similar to homework problems (assignments 6 to 9) or those done in class. You will have a choice of which problems to work. Half of the test will be over distributions and tempered distributions.

Distributions and tempered distributions

Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS)

Scattered-data interpolation via RBFs

Spherical harmonics

Rotations in $\mathbb R^3$

Updated 12/7/2012 (fjn).