
August 1, 2002
Multidimensional Fourier transform

Surface fitting of scattered data

August 2, 2002

Radial basis functions & surface fitting

Polynomial reproducing methods.
  • Let X = {x1, ..., xN} be a subset of Rn and let p and q be any polynomials of degree m -1 or less. X is unisolvent if p(xj) = q(xj) implies that p=q; i.e., the two polynomials are identical.
  • An interpolation method is polynomially reproducing if it reproduces a polynomial p of degree m-1 or less from data yj = p(xj) whenever X is unisolvent

Conditionally positive definite functions of order m.
  • Let P be a matrix whose jth row is a monomial of degree m -1 or less evaluated at xj. The monomials used should span all polynomials of degree m-1 or less and X should be unisolvent.
  • A continuous function h is said to be conditionlly positive definite of order m if for every n×1 column vector c in the null space of P we have cHAc >= 0, with A=[h( xk - xj )].
  • h is strictly conditionally positive definite if for c in the null space of P the equation cHAc = 0 implies that c=0.
  • If h is conditonally positive definite of order m and if the support of the distributional FT of h includes an open set in Rn, then h is strictly CPD of order m.

Interpolation using translates - two types
  1. No polynomial reproduction. Let h be a continuous strictly positive definite function. Use linear combinations of h( x - xj ).
  2. Degree m-1 polynomial reproduction is required. Let h be a continuous strictly CPD function of order m. Use linear combinations of h( x - xj ), together with all monomials of degree m-1 or less.
Connection with completely monotonic functions - Laplace transforms
  • Berstein-Widder Theorem
  • Theorems of Schoenberg, Micchelli, Gou-Hu-Sun
  • Expression for multiquadric

August 5, 2002

Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS)

Definition. An RKHS is a Hilbert space of functions on which the Dirac delta is a continuous linear functional. By the Riesz represntation theorem, the Dirac delta at u has the unique representer gu - that is,
f(u) = < f, gu >,
where < , > is the inner product for the RKHS.

An example. The space W21(R), which comprises all f in L2 with Fourier transform F satisfying INT |F(w)|2 (1 + w2)dw < infinity, is an RKHS with inner product and norm
< f, g > = INT F(w) G(w)* (1 + w2)dw,
|| f || = (< f, f >)1/2.

The representer for the Dirac delta at the point y is K(x-y)=exp(-|x - y|)/(4*pi).

Note that K(x) is an RBF. Suppose that we are given a set of scattered sites X = {x1, ..., xN} and that we know values of a function f in W21(R) at these sites, {f(x1), ..., f(xN)}. We can construct a unique interpolant
IXf(x) = c1 K(x - x1) + ... + cN K(x - xN)
for the data. The important thing here is that in the inner product for W21(R), f - IXf is orthogonal to
span{K(x - x1), ..., K(x - xN)}.
Since IXf is in this span, it follows that it is the orthogonal projection of f onto this span, and that
|| f - IXf || = minb's||f - b1 K(· - x1) + ... + bN K(· - xN||.
Note that this implies || f - IXf || <= || f ||. In addition, we also have that
f(u) - IXf(u) = < f - IXf, K(· - u) >
f(u) - IXf(u) = < f - IXf, K(· - u) - b1 K(· - x1) - ... - bN K(· - xN >
Hence, by Schwarz's inequality, we arrive at
|f(u) - IXf(u)| <= || f - IXf ||*|| K(· - u) - b1 K(· - x1) - ... - bN K(· - xN ||
        <= || f || || K(· - u) - b1 K(· - x1) - ... - bNK(· - xN ||.
Now, we define the power function
PX(u) := minb's || K(· - u) - b1 K(· - x1) - ... - bNK(· - xN ||,
and we arrive at one of the standard error estimates in the RKHS theory:
|f(u) - IXf(u)| <= || f || PX(u).
In class, we showed that PX(u) <= (h/(2*pi))½, where h = distance(u,X).

August 6, 2002

Radon transform. We covered the content of the first two sections of the paper by Strichartz cited below. We also discussed the ``hole theorem'' from section 3 of that paper.

Robert S. Strichartz, Radon Inversion - Variations on a Theme, Amer. Math. Monthly, 89 (1982), 377-384.

The sphere S2.

August 7, 2002

Spherical harmonics We constructed the spherical harmonics on S2. See my notes on spherical harmonics.

August 8, 2002

Spherical harmonics

Scattered-data interpolation on the sphere.