
6 July
§1.1 - §1.2
Definition of Fourier Transform (L1 version)
Motivated the inversion formula; stated these theorems:
Algebraic properties of the FT
Modulation example; band-limited functions
HW -- 1.8(b,c)

7 July
§1.3, 1.4.1, 1.5, 1.6.3
Important functions
Analytic properties of the FT
Integral of sin(x)/x, all x, is p
HW -- 1.19(a) and 1.31

8 July
§1.7, 1.8.1
Inversion formula for FT
Solving a PDE (heat flow with a convective term) via FT techniques
HW -- 1.23(a) and 1.27

9 July
Definition of FT on L2 (space of finite energy signals)
If f is in both L1 and L2, then || F ||L2=|| f ||L2
Parseval/Plancheral Theorem: If f and g are in L2, then
HW -- 1.26 and 1.35

12 July
§2.1-2.2 & §2.4
Dirac's delta function
Delta sequences (approximate identities)
Elementary properties of distributions
Schwartz space, S
HW -- 2.5(a) and 2.6

13 July
§2.4, §2.7.8-2.7.10
The Fourier transform of S is S.
Tempered distributions
Positive definite functions & Bochner's theorem
HW -- 2.30, 2.34, 2.35

14 July
Multidimensional Fourier transform (§7.5, G. Folland, Fourier Analysis and Its Applications, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, 1992)
Fourier series, §3.1
HW -- 3.1(a), 3.7; problem on linear change of variables in FT

15 July
Showed DN(t)=sin((N+½)t)/sin(½t)
Dini conditions for convergence of FS; proved using FT version of results together with Dirichlet kernel
Operations with Fourier series
Convolution theorem
Fejér Kernel WN defined as the Cesáro mean of DN
HW -- 3.11(b)

16 July
Properties of Fejér's kernel WN
F*WN --> F (F continuous or L1)
Approximate identity (delta sequence)
Uniqueness theorem for fourier coefficients of F in L1
Weierstrass approximation theorem
L2 results
HW -- 3.16

19 July
§3.5 and Notes
Wiener's Inversion Theorem
Sampling Theorem
  1. Show that the set {sinc(t - n)}n e Z is orthogonal in L2(R).
  2. What is the L2(R) span of this set?

20 July
§3.8 and notes on the DFT
  1. Prove that if f and g are in L(ZN), then so it f*g.
  2. Prove that DFT[f*g] = DFT[f]DFT[g]
  3. Define the shift operator via tjf[n]=f[n-j]. Find the DFT of tjf in terms of the DFT of f.

21 July
Midterm test

22 July
§3.10 and class notes
The Poisson summation formula
The discrete cosine transform (DCT)

23 July
Inverting the DCT
DFT and the FT
  1. Show that if the kth entry of a row vector Rn is given by Rn[k] = cos(np(k+½)/N), then
    RnRmT is N if m=n=0, N/2, if n=m>0, and 0 if m is not equal to n.
  2. Write out the connection between the DFT and DCT for N=4.

26 July
§2.6.5-6 & class notes
Translation invariant systems
The operator L above is called a filter
Structure of filters
Causal filters
Discrete filters - act on two-sided sequences, the functions on Z
  1. Suppose that X is the space L1. Show that if h is in L1, then L[f] = h*f is a stable filter; i.e., ||L[f]|| < (constant)× ||f||.
  2. Show that the condition h(t) = 0 for all t < 0 is necessary for L to be causal.
  3. Show that if K and L are filters with IR functions g and h, respectively, then KL is a filter with IR g*h. (Take everything in L1). If L is causal, what conditions on g make KL causal?

27 July
Surface fitting - class notes
Let x1=0, x2=1, x3=2. For each F below, find the eigenvalues for the interpolation matrix
Aj,k = F(|xj - xk|2 )
  1. F(r2)= exp(-r2) (Gaussian)
  2. F(r2)= (1+r2)1/2 (multiquadric)
  3. F(r2)= r2log( r2) (thin plate spline)
  1. J. Duchon, Interpolation des Fonctions de Deux Variables Suivant le Principe de la Flexion des Plaques Minces, Rairo Analyse Numerique 10 (1976), 5-12.
  2. J. Duchon, Splines minimizing rotation invariant semi-norms in Sobolev spaces, pp. 85-100 in Constructive Theory of Functions of Several Variables, Oberwolfach 1976, W. Schempp and K. Zeller, eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1977.
  3. R.L. Hardy, Multiquadric equations of topography and other irregular surfaces, J. Geophys. Res. 76 (1971), 1905-1915.
  4. R.L. Hardy, Theory and Applications of the Multiquadric-Biharmonic Method, Comput. Math. Appl. 19 (1990), 163-208.
  5. W.R. Madych and S.A. Nelson, Multivariate interpolation: a variational theory, manuscript, 1983.
  6. W.R. Madych and S.A. Nelson, Multivariate interpolation and conditionally positive definite functions, Approx. Theory and its Applications 4 (1988), 77-79.
  7. C.A. Micchelli, Interpolation of scattered data: distances, matrices, and conditionally positive definite functions, Const. Approx. 2 (1986), 11-22.

28 July
Radial basis functions & surface fitting
Polynomial reproducing methods.
Conditionally positive definite functions of order m.
Interpolation using translates - two types
  1. No polynomial reproduction. Let h be a continuous strictly positive definite function. Use linear combinations of h( x - xj ).
  2. Degree m-1 polynomial reproduction is required. Let h be a continuous strictly CPD function of order m. Use linear combinations of h( x - xj ), together with all monomials of degree m-1 or less.
  1. Show that X is unisolvent if and only if the rank of P mentioned above is the dimension of the space of polynomials of degree m-1 or less. Use this to show that if X contains a unisolvent subset, then X is also unisolvent.
  2. Suppose that {x1, ..., xN} are distinct real numbers. Show that if
    c1exp(-2ipgx1) + ... + cNexp(-2ipgxN) = 0
    holds for all g in R, then cj = 0 for j = 1 ... N. (Note: the xj's are not necessarily integers, so the exponentials are not orthogonal, in general.)

29 July
Radial basis functions & surface fitting (continued)
Order 1 SCPD functions
Order m SCPD functions
  1. Let P be the matrix described above, X a unisolvent set, and h is an order m SCPD function. Show that the interpolant
    f(x) = c1h( x - xj )+ ... + cNh( x - xN ) + pm - 1(x),
    where p is a polynomial of degree m - 1 or less, reproduces polynomials if the equations below hold
    Ydata=Ac+PTb, P*c=0

30 July
Radial basis functions & surface fitting (continued)
Order m radial CPDF
Associated quadratic forms and SCPD order m radial functions
  1. Find the dimension of the space of polynomials of degree k in n variables.
  2. Show that the matrix below is invertible whenever h is order m SCPD and the data sites are a unisolvent for the polynomials of degree m in n variables.

    A PT
    P 0

2 August
MATLAB demonstration of surface fitting with the Hardy multiquadrics
Basics for S2
Fourier analysis on S2
  1. Let DS be the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the 2-sphere. For the usual inner product on S2, show that <DS f, g> = < f, DS g>
  2. Suppose DS Y + l Y = 0. Show that l = - || Yq ||2 / || Y ||2

3 August
Construction of the spherical harmonics
Properties of the spherical harmonics
  1. Show that L+ DS = DS L+.
  2. Show that the eigenfunctions of DS (the spherical harmonics)corresponding to the eigenvalue l(l+1) have the form sin|m|(q) × p(cos(q)) × exp(imj), where p is a polynomial of degree l - |m|.
  3. Find all spherical harmonics of order 3.

4 August
Rotations in R3
The Addition Theorem
Positive definite kernels and functions on S2
  1. Let t = x.y. Show that the sum
    (1/4p)(P0(t) + 3P1(t) + ... + (2L+1)PL(t))
    is a reproducing kernel on the space of spherical harmonics having order L or less.
  2. Show that Pl(x.y) is positive definite on S2. (Hint: Use the Addition Theorem.)

5 August
Postive definite functions on spheres
Schoenberg's theorem for S2
Schoenberg-Bingham Theorem
Interpolation with SPD functions and kernels
Series for the gravitational potential exterior to a sphere
  1. Show that 1 is the maximum value of |Pl(t)| on [-1,1]. (Hint: Let t = x . y; use the Addition Theorem.)
  2. Show that the Schur product of two positive sem-definite matrices is also positive semi-definite.