Workshop "Enumeration and bounds in real algebraic geometry" April 21-25, 2008 Calculation and estimation of the number of real (and sometimes positive) solutions of a system of real algebraic equations is a question of great theoretical and practical importance. The classical Bezout theorem often provides unsatisfactory bounds, and particular applications typically require very specific tools to establish realistic bounds. For example, the problem of finiteness of central configurations in celestial mechanics was considered by Euler and still an active field of research. (Recently Moeckel and his collaborators bounded the number of equilibira for the four-body problem). A related classical question concerning the number of (real) roots of abelian integrals is of enormous value in the infinitesimal version of Hilbert's 16-th problem. Recent work of Yakovenko-Novikov represents an important advance on this question. It may be more practical to understand the average numer of real solutions. That is, determine the expected number of solutions to systems of equations selected from a natural probability distribution. There is a long history of work in this area, and Buergisser recently found formulas which unify many known results and enable the computation of the expected Euler characteristic of manifolds defined by equations selected from certain probability distributions. Recent work by Zelditch-Shiffman and Shiffman's student Zrebiec involves the related question of the distribution of zeroes of random polynomial systems. When considering positive solutions, it is natural to allow polynomials whose exponents are real numbers (equivalently, systems of exponential functions on R^n). In his well-known monograph 'Fewnomials', (translations of Mathematical Monographs, 88. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1991) Khovanskii developed what is now known as fewnomial theory. In particular, he gave a famous upper bound for the number of real solutions of a system of n fewnomial equations in n real variables, which was known to be not sharp. This was recently improved in papers of Bihan-Sottile and coauthors. There is room for furter improvement in the this new bound, and it has not yet been widely applied. The goal of this small workshop is to bring together these experts and others working in this area for a week of in-depth discussion and collaboration. It is made possible by the generous support of the US National Science Foundation, and the Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli. Participants: S. Basu D. Bates B. Bertrand F. Bihan E. Brugalle P. Buergisser A. Degtyarev S. Erdogan A. Gabrielov M. Hampton I. Itenberg M. Joswig S. Kharlamov A. Khovanskii M. Nisse D. Novikov S. Orevkov N. Puignau R. Rasdeaconu E. Rey M. Rojas I. Scherbak B. Shapiro B. Shiffman E. Shustin E. Soprunova F. Sottile A. Vainstein E. Will S. Yakovenko S. Zrebiec