Page 10 there is the requirement that p\leq m for formula (1.10). In fact, that should be m\leq p, and the later p>m should be m>p. Page 18, line -11 f_i(c) should be f_{i+1}(c) Page 32, in the middle of the page, there is an assertion in the text: \beta = d - \sum_{a\in\calA} \gamma_a This should be \beta = d - \nu | \calA | - \mu - \sum_{a\in\calA} \gamma_a (as \beta = \sum_{a\in\calA} alpha_a - \sum_{a\in\calA} \gamma_a). This error does not affect the conclusion that \beta is a nonnegative integer. Page 39, Line 5 of Algorithm 4.4 "matric C to convert is to" should be "matrix C to convert it to". Page 43, line 14, `the inequality $\langle \omega,\lambda\rangle\leq\langle \omega,\beta\rangle$' Needs the \beta to be changed to an \alpha Page 69, line -7. In the displayed formula of the logarithmic equations, the + 1 \log|1-x-y| in the second line needs to be chaanged to - 1 \log|1-x-y|, in order to match the matrix \calB a few lines above. Better, woudl be to multiply the second row of \calB by -1 would make this agree more with (6.16) on page 68, and then there are other changes to be made to the equation. The changing +1 to -1 is what is necessary for mathematical purposes. Page 70, last line of proof in the middle of the page, the 18 should be 20, as 14+6=20. Page 71, in equation (6.19), drop the subscripts _i In Equation (6.21), drop the ^+ in the exponent \tilde{\beta}^+_{i,k}, and put a \tilde over the other exponent, and a ^- \tilde{\beta}_{j+1,k}^- Page 72, Lemma 6.11 The set S here should be D Page 73. The (J_1,\dotsc,J_l) in every formula in the last half of the page need to be replaced by (g_1,\dotsc,g_l). This is really, really bad. Page 100. Line -6 of the proof. $a+b$ should be $a-b$. Page 112, Figure 9.5. The cubics in this picture are not sufficiently general; in the pencil they generate is a reducible cubic, divisible by (x-y) [In hindsight, this is obvious due to the symmetry of the two cubics]. Perturbing either one will result in a general pencil in which every curve is irreducible. I thank Dmitry Pekelis for pointing this error out to me. The solitary points and curves in that figure are also mislabled. Page 122 (10.2) Need to change \P(\C_{mp}t) to \P(\C_{mp}[t])