Critical Points Of Discrete Periodic Operators It is believed that the dispersion relation of a Schrodinger operator with a periodic potential has non-degenerate critical points. In work with Kuchment and Do, we considered this for discrete operators on a periodic graph G, for then the dispersion relation is an algebraic hypersurface. A consequence is a dichotomy; either almost all parameters have all critical points non-degenerate or almost all parameters give degenerate critical points, and we showed how tools from computational algebraic geometry may be used to study the dispersion relation. With Matthew Faust, we use ideas from combinatorial algebraic geometry to give an upper bound for the number of critical points at generic parameters, and also a criterion for when that bound is obtained. The dispersion relation has a natural compactification in a toric variety, and the criterion concerns the smoothness of the dispersion relation at toric infinity.