COALITION MATH 152, SPRING 1998 (S. A. Fulling, assisted by Vera Rice) Day 18.T 1. The usual paper shuffling: Old homework, CAPA, revised new homework, lab sheet if ready. 2. Individual RAT: The 4 basic calculus formulas for exp and ln. 3. The bare minimum to know about exp and ln (prepared transparency). 4. Team exercise: Evaluate some derivatives and integrals requiring chain rule, etc. Rules for this type of exercise: A. Every team puts an answer on plastic; graded for 1 or 2 points. B. One person called on to present the answer on the projector; team gets up to 4 points. If your team needs to bail you out, team loses a point. C. Turn in plastic and tissue paper; keep the pens and bring them to class henceforth. D. Care of felt pens: Keep capped! Don't scrub or stab. Don't write on the tissue paper! FOR LOGISTICAL REASONS AND TO PROVIDE A BREAK LATER, I POSTPONED THE EXERCISE TILL AFTER 5C. 5. More extended summary of the theory (more transparencies). A. One definition: ln as integral of 1/x, exp as inverse. B. Another definition: exp as solution of y' = y. C. The number e; exp and log with arbitrary base. D. What questions do these functions answer? (the basic properties looked at from a more motivating angle) MY LECTURE AND TRANSPARENCIES (INHERITED FROM LAST YEAR) NEED TO BE REVAMPED. I FELT NEEDLESSLY REPETITIVE. 6. Challenge problem for next time: Explain the species- area rule, 7. Logarithmic differentiation: Pose an example and the basic theory. Call on somebody to do the details. STUDENTS HAVE SURPRISING TROUBLE IMPLEMENTING THIS PROCEDURE WHEN SIMPLY PRESENTED WITH THE FORMULA f' = f (ln f)' (NOTED THIS YEAR AND LAST).