COALITION MATH 151, FALL 1997 Group II (S. A. Fulling, assisted by Cary Lasher) Day 1.1 1. Hello A. Reintroduce self and assistant. B. Check progress on CalcLab signups; explain special status of labs during first two weeks. C. E-mail addresses; use for issue bin and +/Deltas; office hours announced later. 2. Math Web pages A. Instructor's course home page; math syllabus page. B. Bring up the page for today's class. Should have been read; cf. scavenger hunt door sheets. C. Questions about procedures? D. Web pages will be provided only when the textbook is inadequate. 3. Basic math in Maple A. 2 + 5; *. Activity: Try the other 3 arithmetic operations. Who observed something interesting? B. 24973/315; evalf("); C. 1440^100; D. a/b*c; (Be careful about grouping.) E. Save the worksheet. (.mws vs .txt) F. (x^2 + 2*x + 3) * (3*x - 5); expand("); factor("); G. simplify("); Other examples (Activity). OMITTED FOR LACK OF TIME. 4. Housekeeping commands A. Already saw: Saving; Double quote. B. Comments and text regions. C. Plotting. 1. Functions with names: sin, sqrt; Pi 2. Expressions. 3. Plot ranges. 4. scaling = constrained. 5. Two graphs on the same axes. STOPPED HERE. TIME RAN OUT PARTLY BECAUSE OF LATE TEAM ASSIGNMENTS (STUDENTS TOOK A LONG TIME TO GET SEATED) AND BECAUSE OF AWKWARD COMPUTER SETUP -- BOTH HOPEFULLY UNIQUE TO THIS SEMESTER. AT THE START OF NEXT DAY I QUICKLY HIT POINTS 6, 5C, AND 4D. D. Assignment statements: a := ...; a := 'a'; 5. Reemphasize from Web page: A. Goals of the computer lab. B. Why we still need to learn calculus. C. How to learn calculus. *. Activity: Write down circumstances where you SHOULD memorize and use a general formula, rather than analyze a special case from first principles. (Cf. Rundell's Rule.) 6. Reading and active learning vs. lectures A. The wisdom of Lao-Tzu (see Web). B. The wisdom of Ralph Boas (paraphrase: Students would rather listen to incomprehensible lecures than read an incomprehensible book. But surely a comprehensible book would be better than either.) C. Family Circle cartoon (Know what I like about books? You can have as many instant replays as you want.) 7. Activity: Work exercises from pp. 12-14 of CalcLabs.