COALITION MATH 152, SPRING 1998 (S. A. Fulling, assisted by Vera Rice) Day 26.R 1. Discussion of "Everybody loves a lover" (postponed from last time). 2. Definitions of limit and of continuity (the latter reviewed from last semester). It took the greatest mathematicians 200 years to understand this [the epsilon definition], so you shouldn't get upset if you have a little trouble with it at first. 3. The epsilon-delta games. (The statements in question are written out in logical/algebraic notation on transparencies beforehand.) A. Let's see that 1/x is continuous at x = 1. i. Team A chooses an epsilon. ii. Team B chooses a delta (trying to make the statement TRUE). iii. Team A chooses an x (trying to make the statement FALSE). iv. Reach consensus that Team B has won the round (or help them to fix their delta if defective). v. Team A may choose a smaller epsilon ... or give up. B. Change the rules: Put the delta quantifier first. i. Team B chooses a delta. ii. Team A chooses epsilon and x (trying to make the statement FALSE). iii. Team B may choose a smaller delta ... or give up. iv. Note that this type of statement is true for CONSTANT functions only (Ex. 10 of logic handout). C. New game with new teams: Show that 1/x is continuous at ALL x > 0. ("For every a and every epsilon there is a delta such that for every x ...") i. Team A chooses a and epsilon. ii. Team B chooses delta (trying to make the statement TRUE). iii. Team A chooses x (trying to make the statement FALSE). iv. Team A may choose a different x and epsilon ... or give up. D. Change the rules: Put the "a" quantifier inside the delta one. i. Team A chooses epsilon. ii. Team B chooses delta. iii. Team A chooses a and x. iv. Team B may choose a smaller delta ... or give up. v. Can we find a function that lets Team B win this game? Such a function is UNIFORMLY CONTINUOUS (Ex. 10 of logic handout). NOT SURE HOW MUCH THE STUDENTS GOT OUT OF THIS. MORE PRELIMINARY (OR SIMULTANEOUS) THEORETICAL EXPLANATION MIGHT HAVE BEEN HELPFUL, BUT WE WERE BEHIND SCHEDULE. 4. Show examples (from old tests) of acceptable student proofs of limit statements for linear functions.