Summary of Previous
National speakers are indicated by (*)
Meetings Index
- Meeting 01: University of Houston, March 10-12,
- Meeting 02: University of Texas,
Austin, December 1-3, 1989
- Meeting 03: Rice University, March 30 - April 1,
- Meeting 04: North Texas State University, November
6-8, 1990 (AMS Regional Meeting, Special Session)
- Meeting 05: Texas A&M University, April 12-14,
- Meeting 06: University of Texas, Austin, October
18-20, 1991
- Meeting 07: The University of Houston, February
7-9, 1992
- Meeting 08: San Antonio, Texas, January 13-16,
1993 (AMS Winter Meeting, Special Session)
- Meeting 09: Rice University, April 16-18, 1993
- Meeting 10: Texas A&M University, October
22-23, 1993 (AMS Regional Meeting, Special Session)
- Meeting 11: University of Texas, April 15-17, 1994
- Meeting 12: Texas A&M University, November
11-13, 1994
- Meeting 13: Rice University, April 7-9, 1995
- Meeting 14: University of Texas, Austin, November
10-12, 1995
- Meeting 15: University of Houston, February 23-25,
- Meeting 16: Rice University, October 11-13, 1996
- Meeting 17: Texas Christian University, February
7-9, 1997
- Meeting 18: Rice University, November 14-16, 1997
- Meeting 19: University of Houston, April 24-26,
- Meeting 20: University of Texas, Austin, October
16-18, 1998
- Meeting 21: Texas Tech University, February 26-28,
- Meeting 22: Texas A&M University, November
12-14, 1999
- Meeting 23: University of Texas, Austin, February
25-27, 2000
- Meeting 24: Rice University, November 10-12, 2000
- Meeting 25: Texas Christian University, February
23-25, 2001
- Meeting 26: Texas A&M University, November
2-4, 2001
- Meeting 27: Texas Tech University, April 5-7, 2002
- Meeting 28: University of Texas, Austin, October
11-13, 2002
- Meeting 29: University of Houston, February 21-23,
- Meeting 30: Rice University, October 31-November
2, 2003
- Meeting 31: Texas Christian University, February
27-29, 2004
- Meeting 32: Texas A&M University, October 29-31,
- Meeting 33: Texas Tech University, February 25-27,
- Meeting 34: University of Texas, Austin, Sept. 30-Oct. 2,
- Meeting 35: University of Houston, February 17-19,
- Meeting 36: Rice University, October 27-29, 2006
- Meeting 37: Texas Christian University, March 23-25, 2007
- Meeting 38: Texas A&M University, October 19-21, 2007
- Meeting 39: Texas Tech University, February 22-24, 2008
- Meeting 40: University of Texas, Austin, October 10-12, 2008
- Meeting 41: University of Houston, February 20-22,
- Meeting 42: Rice University, November 6-8, 2009
- Meeting 43: Texas Christian University, February 26-28, 2010
- Meeting 44: Texas A&M University, November 12-14, 2010
- Meeting 45: Texas Tech University, February 18-20, 2011
- Meeting 46: University of Texas, Austin, October 7-9, 2011
- Meeting 47: University of Houston, February 17-19, 2012
- Meeting 48: Rice University, November 9-11, 2013
- Meeting 49: University of Texas at Arlington, February 10-12, 2013
- Meeting 50: Texas A&M University, October 11-13, 2013
- Meeting 51: Texas Tech University, February 14-16, 2014
- Meeting 52: University of Texas, Austin, November 14-16, 2014
- Meeting 53: University of Houston, February 27-March 1, 2015
- Meeting 54: Rice University, November 6-8, 2015
1: University of Houston, March 10-12, 1989
Jeff Cheeger*, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Complete manifolds of bounded curvature and finite volume
S. S. Chern*, University of California, Berkeley
Dupin submanifolds
L. Zhiyong Gao, Rice University
Convergence theorems for Riemannian manifolds
Robert Gompf, The University of Texas, Austin
Topology of algebraic surfaces
Robert Hardt, Rice University
Symmetric and asymmetric harmonic maps
Jon Pitts, Texas A&M University
Applications of geometric variational methods in the large
Karen Uhlenbeck, The University of Texas, Austin
Non-minimal solutions to Yang-Mills equations
2: University of Texas, Austin, December 1-3, 1989
Jaigyoung Choe, Rice University
Isoperimetric inequality, index and stability of a minimal surface
Ezra Getzler*, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Analysis on loop groups
Robion Kirby*, University of California, Berkeley
Witten-Reshetikin-Turaev invariants of 3-manifolds
Raymond Lickorish, Visiting The University of Texas, Austin
3-manifold invariants from the combinatorics of the Jones polynomial
Frank Quinn*, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Gromov convergence of stratified sets
Michael Wolf, Rice University
Harmonic maps and Teichmuller theory
Phillip Yasskin, Texas A&M University
The diffeomorphism group as a partial indirect product
Meeting 3:
Rice University, March 30 - April 1, 1990
David Bao, University of Houston
The geometric origin of a highly degenerate Monge-Ampere equation
Robert Bryant*, Duke University
Twistors and holonomy
Robin Forman, Rice University
Torsion and a theorem of Milnor
Dan Freed, The University of Texas, Austin
Finite quantum field theories
Cameron Gordon, The University of Texas, Austin
Dehn surgery
Reese Harvey, Rice University
Chern currents
Shangyu Ji, University of Houston
Kähler currents on compact complex manifolds
Leon Simon*, Stanford University
Asymptotics near singular points
Meeting 4:
North Texas State University, November 6-8, 1990 (American Mathematical
Society, Regional Meeting, Special Session)
Ara Basmajian, University of Oklahoma
The orthogonal spectrum of a hyperbolic manifold
Charles P. Boyer, University of New Mexico
The hyperkähler geometry of instanton moduli
A. Delshams, University of Barcelona
R. de la LLave, University of Texas, Austin
Convergent perturbation theories for volume preserving flows and maps
Reinhard O. W. Franz, University of Bielefeld
Counting periodic tilings of the plane
Brian Kasper, University of Texas, Austin
Examples of symplectic structures of fiber bundles
Daniel P. Lathrop, University of Texas, Austin
The observation of saddle periodic orbits in physical systems
Terry Lohrenz, Rice University
Determinants on CR manifolds
Benjamin M. Mann, University of New Mexico
The total Chern class is an infinite loop
R. Daniel Mauldin, University of North Texas
Topological properties of some attractors for cylinder maps
Alec Norton, University of Texas, Austin
The Denjoy problem in two dimensions
Thomas Otway, University of Texas, Austin
Karen Uhlenbeck, University of Texas, Austin
The p-Yang-Mills equations
Johan Råde, University of Texas, Austin
The gradient flow for the Yang-Mills functional in two and three
Daniel B. Swearingen, Rice University
On the geometry of the moduli space of flat tori
Marty Ross, Rice University
Schwarz' P-surface is stable
Daniel S. Silver, University of South Alabama
Growth rates and knots
Laurette S. Tuckerman, University of Texas, Austin
Bifurcation analysis of the Eckhaus instability
S. Walter Wei, University of Oklahoma
Some quasilinear systems with a lack of ellipticity
Susan G. Williams, University of South Alabama
Lattice invariants for sofic shifts
5: Texas A&M University, April 12-14, 1991
Ilya Bakelman, Texas A&M University
Hypersurfaces with prescribed mean curvature in Riemannian spaces
Tim Cochran, Rice University
Homology cobordism and links
Robert Gompf, University of Texas, Austin
Irreducible 4-manifolds need not be complex
Paul Goodey, University of Oklahoma
Radon transforms and the geometry of convex sets
Richard Schoen*, Stanford University
Some new applications of harmonic maps to rigidity problems
Stephen Semmes, Rice University
A generalization of Riemann mappings to several complex variables
Peter Stiller, Texas A&M University
On the geometry and arithmetic of elliptic surfaces
Clifford Taubes*, Harvard University
Stable uniformization of 4-dimensional manifolds
6: University of Texas, Austin, October 18-20, 1991
David Bao, University of Houston
A Harnack inequality for the p-Laplacian diffusion equation
Michael Freedman*, University of California at San Diego
From annulus conjecture to signal processing
John Hempel, Rice University
Positive diagrams for 3-manifolds
Ben Mann, University of Texas, Austin
The topology of moduli spaces and the Atiyah-Jones conjecture
Dusa McDuff*, New York University
Pseudo-holomorphic curves in symplectic 4-manifolds
Karen Uhlenbeck, University of Texas, Austin
Global analysis: a subject before its time?
Tom Vogel, Texas A&M University
Capillary surfaces in wedges and cones
7: The University of Houston, February 7-9, 1992
Dan Burns*, University of Michigan
Development maps in CR and complex hyperbolic geometry
S. S. Chern*, University of California at Berkeley
Closed W-surfaces
Mike Field*, Sydney University
Geometric and topological methods in the analysis of symmetry breaking
Robin Forman, Rice University
Spectral sequences via harmonic forms
Dan Freed, University of Texas, Austin
Variations on the Chern-Simons form
Shanyu Ji, University of Houston
Currents, metrics and Moishezon manifolds
Robert Kusner*, University of Massachusetts
The geometry of constant mean curvature surfaces
Sheldon Newhouse*, University of North Carolina
Symbolic dynamics in low-dimensional systems
Chris Pope, Texas A&M University
W-algebras and W-strings
Leon Simon*, Stanford University
The singular set of minimal surfaces and harmonic maps
8: San Antonio, Texas, January 13-16, 1993 (American Mathematical Society,
Winter Meeting, Special Session)
James W. Anderson, Rice University
Intersections of topologically tame Kleinian groups
Dave Auckly, University of Texas, Austin
Topological methods to compute Chern-Simons invariants
J. Scott Carter, University of South Alabama
Masahico Salto, University of Texas, Austin
Movie diagrams and simplex equations
Edward G. Dunne, Oklahoma State University
Twistor theory for indefinite Kähler manifolds
Mario Eudave-Muñoz, Ciudad University, Mexico
Non-hyperbolic manifolds obtained by Dehn surgery on an hyperbolic
Dana S. Fine, University of Massachusetts
Chern-Simons theory via path integrals
Patrick M. Gilmer, Louisiana State University
Floppy curess and applications to nonsingular real algebraic curves
William C. Jagy, Midwestern State University
Classifying sphere-foliated CMC submanifolds of space forms
Amelia C. Jones, University of Oregon
Two-generator links
Kerry N. Jones, University of Texas, Austin
Alan W. Reid, University of Texas, Austin
Nonsimple geodesics in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Edward C. Keppelmann, Texas A&M University
The Nielson theory of fibrations
Georgi Kamberov, Rice University
Initial boundary value problems for the Ricci flow
Guojun Liao, University of Texas, Arlington
Volume preserving diffeomorphisms of a manifold with boundary
Robert McLean, Texas A&M University
Recent results in the holonomy manifolds with an affine connection
Sassan Mohseni, University of Dallas
Continuity of the Liouville form of metrics of non-positive curvature
Chris L. Morin, University of Texas, Austin
Homotopy unknotting number
Max Neumann-Coto, University National Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
Least area tori in 3-manifolds
Ken Richardson, Rice University
Critical points of the determinant of the Laplace operator
Edith Starr, Rice University
Curves in the boundary of a handlebody
Ying-Quing Wu, University of Texas, Austin
Unlinked graphs in 3-manifolds
9: Rice University, April 16-18, 1993
Mark Brittenham, University of Texas, Austin
Essential laminations in non-Haken 3-manifolds
Huai-Dong Cao, Texas A&M University
Harnack estimates for heat flows
Yakov Eliashberg*, Stanford University
Topology of 2-knots and symplectic geometry
Rick Litherland, Louisiana State University
Numerical invariants for knotted graphs
Howard Masur*, University of Illinois, Chicago
A random walk on the mapping class group and the boundary of
Teichmuller space
Matthew Nicol, University of Houston
Detecting the symmetry of attractors: an approach based on ergodicity
Amy Radunskaya, Rice University
Detecting geometric and statistical properties of attractors
Walter Wei, University of Oklahoma
p-harmonic maps with applications to topology geometry, and PDE's
Shiah-Sen Wang, Rice University
Energy minimizing sections of bundles
John Zweck, Rice University
Chern currents of singular connectins associated with a compactified
10: Texas A&M University, October 22-23, 1993 (American Mathematical
Society, Regional Meeting, Special Session)
James Anderson, Rice University
Defects of Schottky groups
Dave Auckly, University of Texas, Austin
An irreducible homology sphere which is not Dehn
T. David Hendricks, Texas A&M University
Existence of hypersurfaces of prescribed mean curvature
Paulo Lima-Filho, Texas A&M University
Algebraic cycles as a topological group functor
Terry Lohrenz, Rice University
The spectrum of the number operator in path space
Lorenzo Sadun, University of Texas, Austin
Moduli of singular Yang-Mills fields
Yoshi Tonegawa, Rice University
Complete constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic space
Karen Uhlenbeck, University of Texas, Austin
Dipole solutions to the meron problem
Louis Zulli, Rice University
A matrix for computing the Jones polynomial of a knot
11: University of Texas, April 15-17, 1994
Martin Betz, University of Texas, Austin
Symplectic Floer homology operations
Robert Fintushel*, Michigan State University
2-spheres and the Donaldson series
Martin Golubitsky, University of Houston
Symmetry attractors
Ruth Gornet, Texas Tech University
Spectral geometry on Riemannian nilmanifolds
James Milgram*, University of New Mexico
The geometry of instanton moduli spaces on spheres
and ruled surfaces
Dan Pollack, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Singular Yamabe metrics and constant mean curvature
Richard Stong, Rice University
Topological embeddings of 2-spheres in 4-manifolds
Panel Discussion: Undergraduate research
Moderator: Hugo Rossi*, University of Utah
Murad Ozaydin, University of Oklahoma
Alice Underwood, University of North Texas
Phil Yasskin, Texas A&M University
12: Texas A&M University, November 11-13, 1994
Andrew Casson*, University of California, Berkeley
A possible approach to the geometrization conjecture
Davide Cervone*, The Geometry Center
The National Science and Technology Research Center for Computation
and Visualization of Geometric Structures: a postdoc's perspective
Dan Freed, University of Texas, Austin
Late breaking news in gauge theory
Robert Gompf, University of Texas, Austin
Cutting and pasting symplectic manifolds
Richard Hamilton*, University of California, San Diego
Problems on the Ricci flow on 3-manifolds
Shanyu Ji, University of Houston
On Riemann's mapping problem
Blaine Lawson*, SUNY at Stony Brook
On moving families
Jean Taylor*, Rutgers University
Crystalline surface diffusion
DaGang Yang, Tulane University
Bounded harmonic forms on complete manifolds
13: Rice University, April 7-9, 1995
Pawel Gajer, Texas A&M University
A geometric interpretation of smooth Deligne cohomology
Cameron Gordon, University of Texas, Austin
Which knot has the most exceptional surgeries?
Steve Hurder*, University of Illinois, Chicago
Coarse chaos
Tom Mrowka*, California Institute of Technology
The Seibert-Witten equations and the topology of four-manifolds
Efton Park, Texas Christian University
Index theory on odd-dimensional manifolds
Vern Paulsen, University of Houston
Von Neumann's inequality, completely bounded maps, and the
Caratheodory and Kobayashi metrics
William Veech, Rice University
Delaunay partitions
Panel Discussion: Helping minorities and first generation collegians
succeed in freshman mathematics
Moderator: Uri Treisman, University of Texas, Austin
Nancy King, Texas Southern University
Cynthia Lanius, Milby High School, Houston
14: University of Texas, Austin, November 10-12, 1995
Mike Anderson*, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Scalar curvature and geometrization for 3-manifolds
Francis Bonahon*, University of Southern California
Hyperbolic convex hulls
Jim Cannon*, Brigham Young University
Recognizing constant curvature groups from planar
subdivision rules
Mike Freedman*, University of California, San Diego
A nilpotent classification of closed 3-manifolds
Jon Pitts, Texas A&M University
Computing least area hypersurfaces spanning arbitrary boundaries
David Morrison*, Duke University
Supersymmetric maps and the topology of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Hyam Rubinstein*, University of Melbourne
Singular incompressible surfaces in 3-manifolds
15: University of Houston, February 23-25, 1996
S. S. Chern*, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Welcoming Remarks
Robert Bryant*, Duke University
The geometry of Finsler surfaces of constant curvature
Jeff Cheeger*, Courant Institute
Manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded below
Reese Harvy, Rice University
Atomic sections and Chern currents
Min Ru, University of Houston
On the Gauss map of minimal surfaces in n-dimensional Euclidean
Lorenzo Sadun, University of Texas, Austin
Aperiodic tiling and pinwheel geometry
Ying Shen, Texas A&M University
Rigidty of stable minimal hypersurfaces
Zhongmin Shen*, I.U.P.U.I.
Topology of complete manioflds with non-negative
Ricci curvature
Special Presentation: Teaching ODE's using new technology
John Polking, Rice University
Martin Golubitsky, University of Houston
16: Rice University, October 11-13, 1996
Mladen Bestvina*, University of Utah
Homotopy hyperbolic 3-manifolds are hyperbolic
Huai-Dong Cao, Texas A&M University
Two theorems of Bernstein type
Toby Colding*, New York University
Weyl type bounds for harmonic functions
Fanghua Lin*, University of Chicago
Harmonic and quasi-harmonic spheres
Robert Meyerhoff*, Boston College
Homotopy hyperbolic 3-manifolds are hyperbolic
Alan Reid, University of Texas, Austin
Closed essential surfaces in bounded 3-manifolds
Richard Stong, Rice University
A maximally contractive map from Z^2 to Z^3
Karen Uhlenbeck, University of Texas, Austin
Two interesting geometric evolution equations
17: Texas Christian University, February 7-9, 1997
Robin Forman, Harvard University and Rice University
Combinatorial differential topology and geometry
Claude LeBrun*, SUNY Stony Brook
On 4-dimensional Einstein manifolds
Paulo Lima-Filho, Texas A&M University
Generating functions for Euler-Chow invariants of projective varieties
Darryl McCullough, University of Oklahoma
Diffeomorphisms of 3-manifolds
Kate Okikiolu*, MIT and Princeton University
The determinant of the Laplacian for 3-manifolds
Jonathan Rosenberg*, University of Maryland
Secrets of the signature operator
Gerard Walschap, University of Oklahoma
Metric fibrations in spaces of nonnegative curvature
Xingru Zhang, Oklahoma State University
Virtual Haken Dehn surgery on knots in reducible 3-manifolds
Panel Discussion: Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Ara Basmajian, University of Oklahoma
George Gilbert, Texas Christian University
Rhonda Hatcher, Texas Christian University
18: Rice University, November 14-16, 1997
Tim Cochran, Rice University
Finite type invariants for 3-manifolds
John Lott*, University of Michigan
Spinors and collapsing
Mikhail Lyubich*, SUNY Stony Brook
Hyperbolic laminations associated with rational maps
John Millson*, University of Maryland, College Park
On representation varieties of Artin groups, projective arrangements,
and the fundamental groups of smooth complex varieties
Dennis Sullivan*, CUNY Graduate Center and SUNY Stony Brook
On the smooth continuum model used in geometry
and the natural sciences
Abby Thompson*, University of California, Davis
Two parameter graphics for 3-manifolds and knots
Shmuel Weinberger*, University of Chicago
Arithmetic groups and variational problems for Riemannian manifolds
19: University of Houston, April 24-26, 1998
Doug Bullock*, University of Maryland
Lattice gauge field theory and quantum invariants
Marcus Cohen*, New Mexico State University
Quadrispin geometry and the dynamics of a unified field
John Oprea*, Cleveland State University
Differential geometry, computers and today's science majors
Lorenzo Sadun, University of Texas
Parallel bundles and symmetric spaces
Barbara Shipman*, University of Rochester
The geometry of the honeybee's dance language
Barbara Shipman*, University of Rochester
Convex polytopes and momentum mappings in the geometry of generalized
flag manifolds: a physical interpretation and connections with honeybee
Barbara Shipman*, University of Rochester
Convex polytopes and torus actions on generalized flag manifolds in
the geometry of a completely integrable dynamical system
Jian Zhou, Texas A&M University
Equivariant cohomology, localization and applications
20: University of Texas, Austin, October 16-18, 1998
Dave Auckly*, Kansas State University
The geometry of balance
Helmut Hofer*, Courant Institute
The concept of energy in symplectic geometry
Jacques Hurtubise*, McGill University
Integrable systems and surfaces
Sheldon Katz*, Oklahoma State University
Singularities and string theory
Ken Stephenson*, University of Tennessee
A "regular" pentagonal tiling of the plane
Margaret Symington, University of Texas at Austin
Sympletic rational blowdowns
Jon Wolfson*, Michigan State University
The Plateau problem for Lagrangian surfaces
21: Texas Tech University, February 26-28, 1999
Jim Anderson*, University of Southampton and Rice University
Locally free Kleinian groups and hyperbolic manifolds
Charles Boyer*, University of New Mexico
Einstein manifolds via contact geometry
Tanya Christiansen*, University of Missouri - Columbia
Spectral theory for some noncompact manifolds
Patrick Eberlein*, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Geometry of two-step nilpotent Lie groups
Sergio Fenley*, Washington University in St. Louis
Immersed surfaces transverse to pseudo-Anosov flows and virtual fibers
Peter Petersen*, University of California - Los Angeles
The Hitchin-Thorpe inequality for noncompact 4-manifolds
Ken Richardson, Texas Christian University
Group actions and the heat equation
Lisa Traynor*, Bryn Mawr
Legendrian Tangles
22: Texas A&M University, November 12-14, 1999
Dan Freed, University of Texas at Austin
Actions and anomalies
Bong Lian*, Brandeis University
Potential function of a Calabi-Yau threefold
Rafe Mazzeo*, Stanford University
Singular Monge-Ampere equations and critical exponent problems
Bill Minicozzi*, Johns Hopkins University
Embedded minimal tori in 3-manifolds and applications
Stephen Semmes, Rice University
Quasi-minimizing surfaces and applications to sets with topological
Ron Stern*, University of California, Irvine
Surfaces in smooth and symplectic -manifolds
Chuu-Lian Terng*, Northeastern University
Geometry of the n-wave equation
Gang Tian*, MIT
Kähler Ricci solitons
23: University of Texas, Austin, February 25-27, 2000
Danny Calegari*, University of California, Berkeley
Taut foliations with one-sided branching
Bob Edwards*, University of California, Los Angeles
Compact non-Lie group actions
Bob Gompf, University of Texas, Austin
Topologically characterizing symplectic manifolds
John Hempel, Rice University
Stack intersection numbers as a measure of complexity for splittings
of 3-manifolds
Steve Kerckhoff*, Stanford University
A priori bounds for hyperbolic Dehn surgery
Hyam Rubinstein*, University of Melbourne and Stanford University
Recognizing bundle covers of some 3-manifolds
Peter Teichner*, University of California, San Diego
A survey on von Neumann signatures
Constantin Teleman, University of Texas at Austin
Quantization of the Hitchin system
24: Rice University, November 10-12, 2000
Chris Connell*, University of Illinois, Chicago
Bounding the degree of maps
Misha Kapovich*, University of Utah
Periods of abelian differentials and dynamics
Tao Li, The University of Texas, Austin
Laminar branched surfaces in 3-manifolds
Kefeng Liu*, Stanford University
Heat kernel, symplectic geometry, moduli spaces, and finite groups
Nikolai Nadirashvili*, University of Chicago
Critical points of eigenfunctions
Andrei Okounkov*, University of California, Berkeley
Random trees and moduli of curves
Karen Vogtmann*, Cornell University
The geometry of spaces of finite trees
Jian Zhou*, M.I.T.
Vertex algebras in differential geometry
25: Texas Christian University, February 23-25, 2001
Ara Basmajian, University of Oklahoma
A generic geometric property of constant curvature 3-manifolds
Phil Bowers*, Florida State University
Computing conformal structures of curved surfaces
Leonid Friedlander*, University of Arizona
The differential invariant related to the first value of the Laplacian
Razvan Gelca, Texas Tech University
Kauffman bracket skein modules and character varieties
Franz Kamber*, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Equivariant dimensional reduction and the Bott-Borel-Weil theorem
John Roe*, The Pennsylvania State University
Topological implications of amenability
Machiel van Frankenhuysen*, Rutgers University
The ABC Conjecture implies Vojta's height inequality for curves
Frederico Xavier*, University of Notre Dame
Some geometric and analytical questions relating to global injectivity
26: Texas A&M University, November 2-4, 2001
Luis Caffarelli, University of Texas, Austin
Plane-like minimal surfaces in periodic media, and related problems
Richard Hamilton*, Columbia University and University of California,
Geometric estimates for the logarithmic porous medium equation
Robert Hardt, Rice University
Bubbling, bubbles, and scans
Gerhart Huisken*, University of Tuebingen
Neck pinching in mean curvature flow
Paulo Lima-Filho, Texas A&M University
Twisted multiplicative transfers and characteristic classes
Kefeng Liu*, University of California, Los Angeles
Mathematical results inspired by physics
Paul Yang*, Princeton University
Conformal invariants and a sphere theorem
27: Texas Tech University, April 5-7, 2002
Ivan Avramidi, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Heat kernel asymptotics
Peter Buser*, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Spectral rigidity of Fuchsian groups of small signature
Lisa DeMeyer, Oklahoma State University
Geodesics in nilpotent groups
Stephen Fulling, Texas A&M University
Making quantization and pseudodifferential operators geometrically
Rob Kusner*, University of Massachussets, Amherst
Tying knots with spaghetti
Ernesto Lupercio*, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Orbifolds, gerbes, and Deligne cohomology
Liviu Nicolaescu*, University of Notre Dame
Seiberg-Witten invariants and surface singurlarities
Peter A. Perry*, University of Kentucky, Lexington
Determinants of Laplacians, scattering poles, and isopolar sets of
Riemann surfaces
28: University of Texas, Austin, October 11-13, 2002
Jean Pierre Bourguignon*, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques
Improved Kato inequalities and geometric applications
Steven Bradlow*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Moduli spaces of augmented bundles: theory and practice
Philip Candelas, University of Texas, Austin
Zeta function for the quintic threefold
Antonella Grassi*, University of Pennsylvania
Geometry of large N-dualities
Takashi Kimura*, Boston University and Institute for Advanced Study
On integrable systems and cohomological field theories
Rick Schoen*, Stanford University
Yamabe invariants of three manifolds
Jalal Shatah*, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Geometric dispersive equations
Clifford Taubes*, Harvard University
Instabilities and interquark forces
29: University of Houston, February 21-23, 2003
Michael Gage*, University of Rochester
Minkowski geometry, curve shortening, and flow by weighted mean
Roland Glowinski, University of Houston
Numerical methods for the Dirichlet problem for the two-dimensional
elliptic Monge-Ampere equation: from augmented Lagrangians to incompressible
Navier-Stokes equations solution methods
Brendan Hassett, Rice University
Flipping the moduli space of curves
Tamas Hausel, The University of Texas at Austin
Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality, and representations of finite
groups of Lie type
Jacob Sturm*, Rutgers University,
Scalar curvature and Deligne pairing
Jiaping Wang*, University of Minnesota
Geometry and topology of manifolds with positive spectrum
Pit-Mann Wong*, Univeristy of Notre Dame
p-adic Monge-Ampere equations and related problems
30: Rice University, October 31-November 2, 2003
Daniel Allcock, The University of Texas at Austin
The fundamental group of the space of smooth cubic surfaces
Richard Kenyon*, Universit'e Paris-Sud and Princeton University
Asymptotics of random discrete interfaces
Peter Ozsv'ath*, Columbia University
Geometric transitions and integrable systems
Tony Pantev*, University of Pennsylvania
Floer homology and Dehn fillings
Mihnea Popa*, Harvard University
Asymptotic intersection numbers and restricted volumes
Jason Starr*, M.I.T.
Sections of algebraic fibrations
Genevieve Walsh, The University of Texas at Austin
Some examples of virtually Haken and virtually fibered 3-manifolds
Mu-Tao Wang*, Columbia University
Mean curvature flows of Lagrangian submanifolds
31: Texas Christian University, February 27-29, 2004
Cameron Gordon, The University of Texas at Austin
Knots with unknotting number 1
James Heitsch*, University of Illinois, Chicago
Index theory and non-commutative geometry
Theron J. Hitchman, Rice University
Rigidity of weakly hyperbolic standard actions of lattices in rank
Lie groups on nilmanifolds
John Lott*, University of Michigan
Towards a synthetic notion of Ricci curvature
Stephen Semmes, Rice University
Happy fractals
Krishnan Shankar*, University of Oklahoma
Spherical rank rigidity and Blaschke manifolds
Mikhail Shubin*, Northeastern University
Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators
Magdalena Toda, Texas Tech University
Lorentz conformal structures and the wave equation
32: Texas A&M University, October 29-31, 2004
Charles Boyer*, University of New Mexico
Einstein metrics on spheres
Simon Brendle*, Princeton University
The concentration-compactness principle and the Yamabe flow in
conformal geometry
Huai-Dong Cao*, Lehigh University
Second variation of Perelman's entropies and stability of Ricci
Tobias Colding*, New York University
The Calabi-Yau conjectures for embedded surfaces
Benson Farb*, University of Chicago
Hidden symmetry
Joseph Landsberg, Harvard University/Texas A&M University
On the complexity of matrix multiplication
Chiu-Chu Liu*, Harvard University
Gromov-Witten invariants of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds
Brian White*, Stanford University
New applications of mean curvature flow to minimal surfaces
33: Texas Tech University, February 25-27, 2005
Ruth Gornet, University of Texas at Arlington
The length spectrum and isospectrality
Brian Hall*, University of Notre Dame
The range of the heat operator
Klaus Kirsten, Baylor University
Zeta and eta invariants for Dirac operators with Chiral bag boundary
John Sullivan*, Technical University of Berlin
Geometric knot theory
Craig Sutton*, University of Pennsylvania
Methods for constructing isospectral manifolds
Alejandro Uribe*, University of Michigan
Quantizing (non-Kähler) compact symplectic manifolds
V. S. Varadarajan*, University of California at Los Angeles
Super geometry and modern physics
Zhenghan Wang*, Indiana University
Noncommutative geometry and quantum computing
Meeting 34: University
of Texas, Austin, September 30-October 2, 2005
David Ben-Zvi, The University of Texas at Austin
Langlands Duality for Representations of Real Lie Groups
George Daskalopoulos*, Brown University
Harmonic maps on singular domains and geometric rigidity
John Etnyre*, University of Pennsylvania
Contact geometry and open book genus
Nancy Hingston*, College of New Jersey
Periodic Solutions of Hamilton's Equations on Tori
Sheldon Katz*, University of Illinois
Donaldson-Thomas invariants of complex projective threefolds
Rafe Mazzeo*, Stanford University
Some linear and nonlinear elliptic problems in higher rank geometries
Dennis Sullivan*, SUNY at Stony Brook
The free loop space of a manifold and the moduli space of Riemann
Paul Seidel*, University of Chicago
Khovanov meets Ozsvath-Szabo
35: University of Houston, February
17-19, 2006
Robert L. Bryant*, Duke University
Finsler 2-spheres of constant curvature
Brendan Hassett, Rice University
Compact moduli spaces for surfaces of general type
Shanyu Ji, University of Houston
Rigidity problems for proper holomorphic maps between balls
Dan Knopf, The University of Texas at Austin
Ricci flow with surgery, as applied to Poincaré
Zhongmin Shen, NSF and IUPUI
Randers metrics of scalar flag curvature
Yum-Tong Siu, Harvard University
Multiplier ideals – a new technique linking analysis and algebraic
Shoucheng Zhang, Stanford University
Chern numbers and Chern–Simons terms in physics
Meeting 36: Rice University, October 27-29, 2006
Joan Birman*, Columbia University
Invariants of Heegaard splittings and of 3-manifolds
Elisenda Grigsby*, Columbia University
A combinatorial description of the knot Floer homology of cyclic
branched covers
Richard Hain*, Duke University
Relative weight filtrations on completions of mapping class groups
Ko Honda*, University of Southern California
Reeb vector fields and open book decompositions
Eleny Ionel*, Stanford University
Singular spaces and Gromov-Witten invariants
Mikhail Kovanov*, Columbia University
Braid cobordisms and triangulated categories
Feg Luo*, Rutgers University
Volume and angle structures on 3-manifolds
Daniel Ruberman*, Brandeis University
Periodic Dirac operators and positive scalar curvature on 4-manifolds
Meeting 37: Texas Christian University, March 23-25, 2007
Tara Brendle, Louisiana State University
Wicket groups and ring groups
Richard Canary*, University of Michigan
Introductory bumponomics: deformation theory of Kleinian groups
Christina Sormani*, CUNY Graduate Center and Lehman College
The covering spectrum of a Riemannian manifold
Steve Ferry*, Rutgers University
Higson's compactification and the Novikov Conjecture
Payl Loya*, Binghampton University
Gluing formulas for the spectral invariants of Dirac operators
Greg Friedman, Texas Christian University
Intersection homology and Poincarè duality on homotopically
stratified spaces
J. M. Landsberg, Texas A&M University
Projective rigidity and flexibility of homogeneous varieties
Robin Hartshorne*, University of California, Berkeley
Gorenstein liaison of algebraic varieties
Meeting 38: Texas A&M University, October 19-21, 2007
Simon Brendle*, Stanford University
1/4-pinched manifolds are space forms
Jean-Pierre Demailly*, Université de Grenoble
On compact complex manifolds covered by a torus
Michael Eastwood*, University of Adelaide
The X-ray transform on complex projective space
Yakov Eliashberg*, Stanford University/Columbia University
Orderability of groups of contact transformations and related topics
Dan Freed, University of Texas (Austin)
Remarks on topological field theory
Bruce Kleiner*, Yale University
Bi-Lipschitz embedding in Banach spaces
Ngaiming Mok*, University of Hong Kong
Analytic continuation of local holomorphic maps isometric
with respect to the Bergman metric
Natasa Sesum*, Columbia University
Compactness results for the Kähler-Ricci flow
Meeting 39: Texas Tech University, February 22-24, 2008
Ian Anderson*, Utah State University
Superposition formulas for differential systems
Ian Anderson*, Utah State University
Differential geometry with Maple
Sun-Yung Alice Chang*, Princeton University
Compactness of conformally compact Einstein manifolds of dimension (3+1)
Vladimir Chernov*, Dartmouth College
Causality and linking in spacetimes
Richard Melrose*, MIT
Adiabatic limits and Morse decomposition
Emma Previato*, Boston University
Theta functions and isospectral manifolds
Ken Richardson, TCU
Desingularizing compact Lie group actions
Colleen Robles, Texas A&M University
Rigidity of projective homogeneous varieties
Adam Sikora*, SUNY Buffalo
Quantizations of character varieties and knot theory
Meeting 40: University of Texas, Austin, October 10-12, 2008
Lewis Bowen*, University of Hawaii
Free subgroups of lattices
Jeff Cheeger*, Courant
Differentiable structures on metric measure spaces
Tom Farrell*, University of Binghampton
The space of negatively-curved metrics on a closed manifold
Joel Hass*, U. C. Davis
Harmonic maps and the stabilization of Heegaard splittings
Chikako Mese*, Johns Hopkins
Harmonic maps in singular spaces
Hossein Namazi, University of Texas at Austin
Splittings, hyperbolic geometry and models
Yi Ni*, MIT and AIM
Dehn surgeries that reduce the Thurston norm of a fibered manifold
Stefano Vidussi*, U. C. Riverside
Twisted Alexander polynomials and fibered 3-manifolds
Meeting 41: University of Houston, February 20-22, 2009
Alexander Bufetov, Rice University
Minimally invasive surgery for Ricci flow singularities
William Cherry, University of North Texas
sharp upper-bounds on the spherical derivative of maps from the disc
into planar domains with spherical symmetries
Michael Field, University of Houston
Resolution and intersection: three problems in equivariant geometry
Shelly Harvey, Rice University
Subgroups of the mapping class group and higher-order signature cocycles
Dan Knopf, University of Texas (Austin)
Minimally invasive surgery for Ricci flow singularities
Joseph Landsberg, Texas A&M University
Geometric approaches to P vs. NP
Kefeng Liu*, UCLA
Recent results on moduli spaces
Bernard Shiffman*, Johns Hopkins
Overcrowding and undercrowding of random zeros on complex manifolds
Yum-Tong Siu*, Harvard University
Multiplier ideal sheaves – an interface between analysis and algebraic geometry
Meeting 42: Rice University, November 6-8, 2009
Danny Calegari*, California Institute of Technology
Faces of the scl norm ball
Rafael de la Llave, University of Texas at Austin
Geometric properties of the scattering map to normally hyperbolic manifolds and applications
to instability
Anton Gorodetski*, University of California, Irvine
On quantitative characteristics of Cantor sets and their applications
Rostislav Grigorchuk, Texas A&M University
Ergodicity of boundary actions, Hopf decomposition and Nielsen-Schreier method
Mike Hochman*, Princeton University
Local entropy averages and projection of fractal measures
Mikhail Lyubich*, SUNY at Stony Brook
Two-dimensional rational dynamics and Lee-Yang zeros
Karin Melnick*, University of Maryland
Normal forms for conformal vector fields
William Veech, Rice University
Teichmueller flows and curves and Hecke groups
Meeting 43: Texas Christian University, February 26-28, 2010
Jim Anderson*, University of Southampton
Small filling sets of curves on a surface
Scott Baldridge, Louisiana State University
Cube diagrams: The topology and geometry of
knots in 3-dimensions
Tim Cochran, Rice University
The fractal nature of 3-manifolds up to homology cobordism
Emily Dryden*, Bucknell University
Upper bounds on eigenvalues of the laplacian: surfaces
and beyond
Carolyn Gordon*, Dartmouth College
Spectral geometry on line bundles over flat tori
Mark Haskins*, Imperial College, London
Special lagrangian cones
Alexander Karabegov, Abilene Christian University
Formal symplectic groupoids
Markus Pflaum*, University of Colorado
Algebraic index theorems for orbifolds
Meeting 44: Texas A&M University, November 12-14, 2010
Gerard Besson*, Universit
é de Grenoble
Collapsing irreducible manifolds with nontrivial fundamental
Gerard Besson*, Université de Grenoble
The Geometrization Program
Robert Bryant*, MSRI
The affine Bonnet problem
Peter Ebenfelt*, University of California, San Diego
Rigidity of CR mappings into hyperquadrics
Phillip Griffiths*, Institute for Advanced Study
Hodge theory and representation theory
Jun-Muk Hwang*, KIAS, Seoul, Korea
Symmetries of cone structures
Lisa Jeffrey*, Mathematics Department, University of Toronto
Real loci and the based loop
Chuu-Lian Terng*, UC Irvine
Isometric immersions of hyperbolic manifolds in Euclidean
space, revisited
Gunther Uhlmann*, University of Washington, Seattle
Boundary rigidity, lens rigidity and
travel time tomography
Meeting 45: Texas Tech University, February 18-20, 2011
Anthony Bloch*, University of Michigan
Geometry of nonholonomic systems
Annalisa Calini*, College of Charleston
Integrable evolution of closed vortex filaments:
finite-gap solutions and their linear stability
Jeanne Clelland*, University of Colorado at Boulder
Backlund transformations and Darboux
integrability for nonlinear wave equations
Baris Coskunuzer*, Koc University, Turkey
Generic uniqueness of area minimizing disks for
extreme curves
Shantanu Dave*, University of Vienna, Austria
Asymptotic analysis of regularizations that
know about singularities
Dragos Oprea*, UC, San Diego
The moduli space of stable quotients
Richard Palais*, UC, Irvine
Geometry and computer graphics: partnership,
interaction, and challenges
Alexander A. Voronov*,
University of Minnesota and IPMU
Higher categories and TQFTs
Meeting 46: University of Texas, Austin, October 7-9, 2011
Mohammed Abouzaid*, MIT
On the Floer theory of compact symmetric manifolds
Mladen Bestvina*, University of Utah
Topology and geometry of Out(Fn).
Mladen Bestvina*, University of Utah
How to solve |x|2-2|y|2 =1 over Gaussian integers
Ursula Hamenstädt*, Universityof Bonn
Disk systems, sphere systems and the geometry of mapping class groups
Çagi Karakurt, University of Texas at Austin
Corks and exotic smooth structures of 4-manifolds
Peter Kronheimer*, Harvard University
Gauge theory and Rasmussen's invariant
Chris Leininger*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Short geodesics in moduli space
Vladimir Markovic*, Caltech
Essential surfaces and the simple loop conjecture in higher-dimensional hyperbolic manifolds
Richard Schwartz*, Brown University
The Devil's Pentagram
Meeting 47: University of Houston, February 17-19, 2012
Simon Brendle*, Stanford University
Uniqueness theorems for constant mean curvature surfaces
Rowland Glowinski, University of Houston
On the nodal lines of the eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator for bounded surfaces in Rn; a computational approach
Gordon Heier, University of Houston
Effective finiteness of deformation types of non-isotrivial families
Tom Mrowka*, MIT
Instantons and their impact on low dimensional topology
Tom Mrowka*, MIT
The arithmetic of homological mirror symmetry
Andrew Putman, Rice University
Representation stability, congruence subgroups, and mapping class groups
Jian Song*, Rutgers University
Geometric surgery by partial differential equations
Susan Tolman*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Toric integral geodesics flows in odd dimensions
Igor Zelenko, Texas A&M University
Geometry of filtered structures manifolds: Tanaka's prologation and beyond
Meeting 48: Rice University, November 9-11, 2012
Mathew Bainbridge*, Indiana University
Effective Veech dichotomy and diagonal flows
Tom Church*, Stanford University
Stability in the unstable cohomology of mapping class groups SLn(Z) and Aut(Fn).
Gavril Farkas*, Humboldt University
Classification of universal Jacobians over the moduli space of curves
Samuel Grushevsky*, Stony Brook University
Stable cohomology of the perfect cone toroidal compactification of Ag
Sarah Koch*, Harvard University
An analytic construction of the Deligne-Mumford compactification of the moduli space of curves
Eduard Looijenga*, University of Utrecht
Cohomological amplitude of moduli spaces of curves
Howard Masur*, University of Chicago
Winning sets for Schmidt games, badly approximable real numbers, rational billiards and geodesics in moduli space
Poster Session:
Derek Allums, Rice University, and J. M. Landsberg, Texas A&M University
Border rank of ternary trilinear forms and the j-invariant
Khek Lun Harold Chao*, Indiana University
CAT(0) spaces with boundary the join of two Cantor sets
Hyunjoo Cho*, Sema Salur*, and Firat Arikan*, University of Rochester
Existence of almost contact structures on manifolds with G2-structures
Thanos Gentimis* and Maria Bampasidou*, University of Florida
An algebraic topology model for research and development
Sergii Kutsak*, University of Florida
Essential manifolds with extra structures
Dmitry Zakharov* and Samuel Grushevsky*, Stony Brook University
Partial compactification of the zero section of the universal abelian variety
Letao Zhang (Rice University)
Representation theory and Hilbert schemes of points on K3 surfaces
Meeting 49: University of Texas at Arlington, February 10-12, 2013
Paul Bracken, University of Texas, Pan American
A geometric approach to the study of nonlinear partial differential equations
Gueo Grantcharov*, Florida International University
On the HKT geometry
Sean Paul*, University of Wisconsin, Madison
From semi-stable pairs to K-energy maps of algebraic manifolds
Daniel Ramras*, New Mexico State University
Stable representation theory and families of flat bundles
Julie Rowlett*, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn
Dynamics of the geodesic flow on negatively curved complete manifolds
Barbara Shipman, University of Texas at Arlington
New perspectives on classic definitions
Stephen Stolz*, University of Notre Dame
Field theories and cohomology
Joseph Wolf*, University of California at Berkeley
Plancherel forumlae associated to filtrations of nilpotent Lie groups
Joseph Wolf*, University of California at Berkeley
Representations of nilpotent Lie groups
Meeting 50: Texas A&M University, October 11-13, 2013
Andrei Agrachev*, SISSA
Quadratic cohomology
Yakov Eliashberg*, Stanford University
Loose Legendrian knots and their applicaitons
Aliana Fraser, University of British Columbia
Minimal surfaces in the ball and an eigenvalue problem
Mark L. Green*, UCLA
Geometry of Mumford-Tate domains and their closures
Rostislav Grigorchuk, Texas A&M University
On the spaces of groups and subgroups and the concept of invariant random subgroup
Richard Hain*, Duke University
Modular forms and multiple zeta values
Yael Karshon*, University of Toronton
Distinguishing symplectic blowups of the complex projective plane
Laurent Manivel*, Universitè de Grenoble
The periods of Fano fourfolds of degree ten
Laurent Manivel*, Universitè de Grenoble
The classification of prime Fano threefolds on index one
Dror Vaolin*, SUNY Stoney Brook
L2 extension and the twisted method
Meeting 51: Texas Tech University, February 14-16, 2014
Richard Hind*, Univeristy of Notre Dame
Symplectic embeddings and isotopies
Thang Le*, Georgia Insititute of Technology
Symplectic embeddings and isotopies
Liviu Nicolaescu*, University of Notre Dame
Random Morse functions on compact manifolds
Peter Olver*, University of Minnesota
Moving frames and theikr applications
Peter Olver*, University of Minnesota
Object recognition, symmetry detection, jigsaw puzzles, and melanomas
Richard Schoen*, Stanford University
Trapped surfaces and MOTS in general relativity
Susan Tolman*, University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign
The cohomology of quotients of Hamiltonian loop group spaces
Zhenghan Wang*, Microsoft
Quantum topology and its applications
Igor Zelenko, Texas A&M University
Symplectic methods in local differential geometry of nonholonomic distribution
Meeting 52: University of Texas, Austin, November 14-16, 2014
Danny Calegari*, University of Chicago
Roots, Schottky semigroups, and a proof of Bandt's Conjecture
Nathan Dunfield*, UIUC
Random knots: their properties and algorithmic challenges
Benson Farb*, University of Chicago
The topology of the space of polynomials - Introductory talk
Benson Farb*, University of Chicago}
The topology of SL(n,O_K) - Research talk
J.~Elisenda Grigsby*, Boston College
(Sutured) Khovanov homology and representation theory
Yair Minsky*, Yale University
A relative bounded image theorem for skinning maps
Jessica Purcell*, BYU
Cusp volumes of alternating knots
Rachel Roberts*, Washington University St.~Louis
Approximating continuous foliations by contact structures
Martin Scharlemann*, UCSB
The Sch\"{o}nflies Conjecture and its spin-offs
Meeting 53: University of Houston, February 27-March 1, 2015
Cameron Gordon, University of Texas, Austin
Left-orderability and 3-manifold groups
Alastair Hamilton, Texas Tech University
Functional integrals and pairing classes in the moduli space of Riemann surfaces
Laura Matusevich (Texas A&M)
A-hypergeometric solution sheaves
Lei Ni*, UCSD
Hypersurface flow by the power of the Gauss curvature
Colleen Robles, Texas A&M
Characteristic cohomology of the horizontal subbundle on flag manifolds and connections to Hodge theory
Mark Stern*, Duke University
Introduction to nonlinear harmonic forms
Bernd Sturmfels*, UC Berkeley
Tropical Plane Curves - Introductory talk
Bernd Sturmfels*, UC Berkeley
The 27 trees on a cubic surface - Advanced talk
Steve Zelditch*, Northwestern
Plank's constant, time, and stationary states in quantum mechanics
Meeting 54: Rice University, November 6-8, 2015
Stergios Antonakoudis (Cambridge)
The complex geometry of Teichmuller spaces and bounded symmetric domains
Mario Bonk (UCLA)
The quasiconformal geometry of fractals
Mario Bonk (UCLA)
Thurston maps
Marianna Csornyei (University of Chicago)
Kakeya problem for circular arcs
Bruce Kleiner (NYU)
PI spaces: some new examples and open problems
Vlad Markovic (Caltech)
Harmonic maps on hyperbolic spaces
Steffen Rohde (University of Washington)
Random metric spaces and conformal geometry
Christina Sormani (CUNY GC and Lehman College)
Sliced filling volumes and the tetrahedral compactness theorem
Robert Young (NYU)
Quantifying nonorientability and filling multiples of embedded curves
For additional information about past and
future Texas Geometry and Topology Conferences, you may contact Jon
Last modified:
November 5, 2015