Math 447, Principles of Analysis II, Spring 2009
Harold P. Boas


A standing assignment is to read the relevant sections of the textbook.

Solutions to the following assignments will be available (to students registered in the course) at the TAMU eLearning site. (I am posting the solutions at this password-protected site since the author of the textbook may not want the solutions available to the world.)

Due Wednesday, April 22
Due Wednesday, April 15
Chapter 13, exercises 3, 4, 5, 7, and 11 on page 205.
Due Wednesday, April 8
This assignment is available in pdf.
Due Wednesday, April 1
  1. In class, we computed that ∑n≥1(2/n)sin(nx) is the Fourier series of the odd function on the interval [-π,π] that is equal to (π-x) on [0,π]. Deduce from Parseval's equation that ∑n≥1(1/n2)=π2/6. (You verified this formula in a different way in the previous assignment).
  2. Compute the Fourier series of the absolute-value function |x| on [-π,π] and deduce that the sum of the reciprocals of the squares of the odd positive integers equals π2/8, while the sum of the reciprocals of the fourth powers of the odd positive integers equals π4/96.
  3. The Dirichlet kernel Dn(t) and the Fejér kernel Kn(t) (see pages 250–256 in the textbook) both peak when t=0. Which value is bigger, Dn(0) or Kn(0)?
  4. Compute ||Dn||2 and ||Kn||2 (the norms of the Dirichlet and Fejér kernels, using the L2 norm indicated at the bottom of page 246 in the textbook).
  5. Chapter 18, exercise 57 on page 335. [We will use part (c) in a proof later on.]
Due Wednesday, March 25
Chapter 15, exercise 7 on page 250.
Due Wednesday, March 11
The assignment is to study for the midterm exam.
Due Wednesday, March 4
Due Wednesday, February 25
Due Wednesday, February 18
Due Wednesday, February 11
Due Wednesday, February 4
In Chapter 16, do exercises 22, 24, and 28 on page 273 and exercises 42 and 48 on page 282.
Remark: The author attributes exercise 42 to his teacher, William B. Johnson, one of the Distinguished Professors in the Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M.
Due Wednesday, January 28

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