SFEMaNS  version 5.3
Reference documentation for SFEMaNS
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 !#include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h"
3  USE petsc
6  REAL(KIND=8) :: epsilon = 1.d-10
7 !!$ Dummy for metis...
9 !!$ Dummy for metis...
11  SUBROUTINE reorder_mesh(communicator,nb_proc,mesh,mesh_loc,list_of_interfaces)
13  USE my_util
14  USE sub_plot
16  TYPE(mesh_type) :: mesh, mesh_loc
17  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: me_loc, mes_loc, np_loc
18  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER, OPTIONAL :: list_of_interfaces
19  INTEGER, DIMENSION(mesh%me+1) :: xind
20  INTEGER, DIMENSION(mesh%me) :: vwgt, vsize, part, old_m_to_new
21  LOGICAL, DIMENSION(mesh%np) :: virgin
22  INTEGER, DIMENSION(mesh%np) :: old_j_to_new
23  INTEGER, DIMENSION(mesh%mes) :: old_ms_to_new, parts
24  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2,mesh%mes) :: inter_news
25  INTEGER, DIMENSION(SIZE(mesh%jjs,1)) :: i_loc
26  LOGICAL, DIMENSION(mesh%mes) :: virgins
27  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(mesh%np) :: r_old_j_to_new
28  INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: opts
29  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: xadj, adjwgt, nblmt_per_proc, start, displ
31  INTEGER :: dim, nb_neigh, edge, m, ms, n, nb, numflag, p, wgtflag, new_dof, j, &
32  news, ns, nws, msop, nsop, proc, iop, ncon
33  LOGICAL :: test=.false.
34  !REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tpwgts !Up to petsc.3.7.7
35  !REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(1) :: ubvec !Up to petsc.3.7.7
36  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tpwgts !(JLG, Feb 20, 2019) Up from petsc.3.8.4,
37  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(1) :: ubvec !petsc peoples changed metis types
40 #include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h"
41  petscerrorcode :: ierr
42  petscmpiint :: rank , nb_proc
43  mpi_comm :: communicator
44  CALL mpi_comm_rank(communicator,rank,ierr)
45  !CALL MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,nb_proc,ierr)
47  IF (nb_proc==1) THEN
48  me_loc = (/ 1, mesh%me /)
49  mes_loc = (/ 1, mesh%mes /)
50  np_loc = (/ 1, mesh%np /)
51  CALL create_local_mesh(mesh, mesh_loc, me_loc, mes_loc, np_loc)
53  END IF
55  ! Create the connectivity array based on neigh
56  nb_neigh = SIZE(mesh%neigh,1)
57  xind(1) = 1
58  DO m = 1, mesh%me
59  nb = 0
60  DO n = 1, nb_neigh
61  IF (mesh%neigh(n,m)==0) cycle
62  nb = nb + 1
63  END DO
64  xind(m+1) = xind(m) + nb
65  END DO
66  ALLOCATE(xadj(xind(mesh%me+1)-1))
67  p = 0
68  DO m = 1, mesh%me
69  DO n = 1, nb_neigh
70  IF (mesh%neigh(n,m)==0) cycle
71  p = p + 1
72  xadj(p) = mesh%neigh(n,m)
73  END DO
74  END DO
75  IF (p/=xind(mesh%me+1)-1) THEN
76  CALL error_petsc('BUG, p/=xind(mesh%me+1)-1')
77  END IF
78  ! End create the connectivity array based on neigh
80  ALLOCATE(adjwgt(SIZE(xadj)))
81  opts = 0
82  adjwgt = 1
83  numflag = 1 ! Fortran numbering of processors
84  wgtflag = 2
85  vwgt = 1
86  vsize = 1
87  ncon = 1
88  ALLOCATE(tpwgts(nb_proc))
89  tpwgts = 1.d0/nb_proc
90  CALL metis_setdefaultoptions(metis_opt)
91  metis_opt(metis_option_numbering)=1
92  ubvec = 1.01
93  CALL metis_partgraphrecursive(mesh%me, ncon, xind(1:), xadj(1:), vwgt(1:), vsize(1:), adjwgt(1:), &
94  nb_proc, tpwgts(1:), ubvec(1:), metis_opt(1:), edge, part(1:))
95  IF (rank==0) THEN
96  CALL plot_const_p1_label(mesh%jj, mesh%rr, 1.d0*part, 'dd.plt')
97  END IF
99  ! Count elements on processors
100  ALLOCATE(nblmt_per_proc(nb_proc),start(nb_proc),displ(nb_proc))
101  nblmt_per_proc = 0
102  DO m = 1, mesh%me
103  nblmt_per_proc(part(m)) = nblmt_per_proc(part(m)) + 1
104  END DO
105  start(1) = 0
106  DO n = 2, nb_proc
107  start(n) = start(n-1) + nblmt_per_proc(n-1)
108  END DO
109  me_loc(1) = start(rank+1) + 1
110  me_loc(2) = start(rank+1) + nblmt_per_proc(rank+1)
111  displ = start
112  ! End count elements on processors
114  ! Re-order elements
115  DO m = 1, mesh%me
116  start(part(m)) = start(part(m)) + 1
117  old_m_to_new(m) = start(part(m))
118  END DO
119  ! Re-order elements
122  !==Search on the boundary whether ms is on a cut.
123  nws = SIZE( mesh%jjs,1)
124  news = 0
125  inter_news = 0
126  parts = part(mesh%neighs)
127  IF (PRESENT(list_of_interfaces)) THEN !==There is an interface
128  IF (SIZE(list_of_interfaces)/=0) THEN
129  virgins = .true.
130  news = 0
131  DO ms = 1, mesh%mes
132  IF (.NOT.virgins(ms)) cycle
133  IF (minval(abs(mesh%sides(ms)-list_of_interfaces))/=0) cycle !==ms not on a cut
134  i_loc = mesh%jjs(:,ms)
135  DO msop = 1, mesh%mes
136  IF (msop==ms .OR. .NOT.virgins(msop)) cycle
137  IF (minval(abs(mesh%sides(msop)-list_of_interfaces))/=0) cycle !==msop not on a cut
138  DO ns = 1, nws
139  test = .false.
140  DO nsop = 1, nws
141  iop = mesh%jjs(nsop,msop)
142  IF (maxval(abs(mesh%rr(:,i_loc(ns))-mesh%rr(:,iop))).LT.epsilon) THEN
143  test = .true.
144  EXIT
145  END IF
146  END DO
147  IF (.NOT.test) THEN
148  EXIT !==This msop does not coincide with ms
149  END IF
150  END DO
151  IF (test) EXIT
152  END DO
153  IF (.NOT.test) THEN
154  CALL error_petsc(.NOT.'BUG in create_local_mesh, test ')
155  END IF
156  IF (part(mesh%neighs(ms)) == part(mesh%neighs(msop))) cycle !==ms is an internal cut
157  proc = min(part(mesh%neighs(ms)),part(mesh%neighs(msop)))
158  parts(ms) = proc
159  parts(msop) = proc
160  virgins(ms) = .false.
161  virgins(msop) = .false.
162  IF (proc /= rank+1) cycle !==ms and msop do not touch the current proc
163  news = news + 1
164  inter_news(1,news)=ms
165  inter_news(2,news)=msop
166  END DO
167  END IF
168  END IF
171  ! Re-order jj
172  ALLOCATE(inter(SIZE(mesh%jj,1),mesh%me))
173  DO m = 1, mesh%me
174  inter(:,old_m_to_new(m)) = mesh%jj(:,m)
175  END DO
176  mesh%jj = inter
178  virgin = .true.
179  new_dof = 0
180  DO m = 1, mesh%me
181  DO n = 1, SIZE(mesh%jj,1)
182  j = mesh%jj(n,m)
183  IF (.NOT.virgin(j)) cycle
184  new_dof = new_dof + 1
185  virgin(j) = .false.
186  old_j_to_new(j) = new_dof
187  END DO
188  END DO
189  DO m = 1, mesh%me
190  inter(:,m) = old_j_to_new(mesh%jj(:,m))
191  END DO
192  mesh%jj = inter
193  DEALLOCATE(inter)
195  IF (rank == 0) THEN
196  np_loc(1) = 1
197  ELSE
198  np_loc(1) = maxval(mesh%jj(:,displ(rank)+1:displ(rank)+nblmt_per_proc(rank))) + 1
199  END IF
200  np_loc(2) = maxval(mesh%jj(:,me_loc(1):me_loc(2)))
201  ! End re-order jj
203  ! Re-order rr
204  DO n = 1, SIZE(mesh%rr,1)
205  r_old_j_to_new(old_j_to_new) = mesh%rr(n,:)
206  mesh%rr(n,:) = r_old_j_to_new(:)
207  END DO
208  ! Re-order rr
210  ! Re-order neigh
211  ALLOCATE(inter(SIZE(mesh%neigh,1),mesh%me))
212  dim = SIZE(mesh%rr,1)
213  DO m = 1, mesh%me
214  DO n = 1, dim+1
215  IF (mesh%neigh(n,m) /=0) THEN
216  inter(n,old_m_to_new(m)) = old_m_to_new(mesh%neigh(n,m))
217  ELSE
218  inter(n,old_m_to_new(m)) = 0
219  END IF
220  END DO
221  END DO
222  mesh%neigh = inter
223  DEALLOCATE(inter)
224  ! End re-order neigh
226  ! Re-order i_d
227  DEALLOCATE(xadj); ALLOCATE(xadj(mesh%me))
228  xadj(old_m_to_new) = mesh%i_d
229  mesh%i_d=xadj
230  ! End Re-order i_d
232  ! Re-order neighs
233  DEALLOCATE(xadj); ALLOCATE(xadj(mesh%mes))
236  nblmt_per_proc=0
237  DO ms = 1, mesh%mes
238  n = parts(ms)
239  nblmt_per_proc(n) = nblmt_per_proc(n) + 1
240  END DO
241  start(1) = 0
242  DO n = 2, nb_proc
243  start(n) = start(n-1) + nblmt_per_proc(n-1)
244  END DO
245  mes_loc(1) = start(rank+1) + 1
246  mes_loc(2) = start(rank+1) + nblmt_per_proc(rank+1)
248  DO ms = 1, mesh%mes
249  n = parts(ms)
250  start(n) = start(n) + 1
251  old_ms_to_new(ms) = start(n)
252  END DO
253  xadj(old_ms_to_new) = mesh%neighs
254  mesh%neighs=xadj
255  xadj = old_m_to_new(mesh%neighs)
256  mesh%neighs=xadj
257  ! End re-order neighs
259  ! Re-order inter_news
260  xadj(1:news) = old_ms_to_new(inter_news(1,1:news))
261  inter_news(1,1:news) = xadj(1:news)
262  xadj(1:news) = old_ms_to_new(inter_news(2,1:news))
263  inter_news(2,1:news) = xadj(1:news)
264  ! End re-order inter_news
266  ! Re-order sides
267  xadj(old_ms_to_new) = mesh%sides
268  mesh%sides=xadj
269  ! End re-order sides
271  ! Re-order jjs
272  DO n = 1, SIZE(mesh%jjs,1)
273  xadj(old_ms_to_new) = old_j_to_new(mesh%jjs(n,:))
274  mesh%jjs(n,:)=xadj
275  END DO
276  ! End re-order jjs
278  !==We create the local mesh now
279  CALL create_local_mesh(mesh, mesh_loc, me_loc, mes_loc, np_loc, news, inter_news(:,1:news))
280  CALL mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world,rank,ierr)
282  DEALLOCATE(xadj,adjwgt,nblmt_per_proc,start,displ)
283  END SUBROUTINE reorder_mesh
285  SUBROUTINE create_local_mesh(mesh, mesh_loc, me_loc, mes_loc, np_loc, news, inter_news)
287  USE my_util
289  TYPE(mesh_type) :: mesh, mesh_loc
290  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2), INTENT(IN) :: me_loc, mes_loc, np_loc
291  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: inter_news
292  INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: news
293  INTEGER, DIMENSION(mesh%me) :: m_glob_to_loc,m_loc_to_glob
294  INTEGER, DIMENSION(mesh%np) :: glob_to_loc,loc_to_glob
295  LOGICAL, DIMENSION(mesh%np) :: virgin
296  LOGICAL, DIMENSION(mesh%me) :: not_my_cells
297  INTEGER :: dim, nws, nw, m, ms, mop, msop, ns, msup, minf, dof, &
298  dom_me, nwc, dom_mes, dom_np, n, i, rank, ierr, dom_np_glob
300  dim = SIZE(mesh%rr,1)
301  nws = SIZE(mesh%jjs,1)
302  nw = SIZE(mesh%jj,1)
303  nwc = SIZE(mesh%neigh,1)
304  !==Test if one proc only
305  IF (me_loc(2) - me_loc(1) + 1==mesh%me) THEN
306  mesh_loc%me = mesh%me
307  mesh_loc%np = mesh%np
308  mesh_loc%mes = mesh%mes
309  mesh_loc%dom_me = mesh%me
310  mesh_loc%dom_np = mesh%np
311  mesh_loc%dom_mes = mesh%mes
312  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%jj(nw,mesh%me))
313  mesh_loc%jj = mesh%jj
314  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%loc_to_glob(mesh%np))
315  DO n = 1, mesh%np
316  mesh_loc%loc_to_glob(n) = n
317  END DO
318  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%rr(dim,mesh%np))
319  mesh_loc%rr=mesh%rr
320  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%neigh(nwc,mesh%me))
321  mesh_loc%neigh = mesh%neigh
322  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%i_d(mesh%me))
323  mesh_loc%i_d = mesh%i_d
324  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%neighs(mesh_loc%mes))
325  mesh_loc%neighs = mesh%neighs
326  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%sides(mesh_loc%mes))
327  mesh_loc%sides = mesh%sides
328  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%jjs(nws,mesh_loc%mes))
329  mesh_loc%jjs = mesh%jjs
331  END IF
332  !==End test if one proc only
334  IF (.NOT.PRESENT(news) .OR. .NOT.PRESENT( inter_news)) THEN
335  CALL error_petsc(.NOT..OR..NOT.'BUG in create_local_mesh present(news) present( inter_news)')
336  END IF
338  !==Create the new mesh
339  dom_me = me_loc(2) - me_loc(1) + 1
340  dom_mes = mes_loc(2) - mes_loc(1) + 1
341  dom_np = np_loc(2) - np_loc(1) + 1
342  mesh_loc%me = dom_me + news
343  mesh_loc%mes = dom_mes
344  mesh_loc%dom_me = dom_me
345  mesh_loc%dom_np = dom_np
346  mesh_loc%dom_mes = dom_mes
347  CALL mpi_allreduce(dom_np, dom_np_glob, 1, mpi_integer, &
348  mpi_min, petsc_comm_world, ierr)
349  IF (dom_np_glob.LE.0) THEN
350  CALL error_petsc('Pb in create_local_mesh, not enough cells per processors')
351  END IF
353  !==Re-order jj
354  virgin = .true.
355  dof = 0
356  DO m = me_loc(1), me_loc(2)
357  DO n = 1, nw
358  i = mesh%jj(n,m)
359  IF(.NOT.virgin(i) .OR. i.GE.np_loc(1)) cycle
360  virgin(i) = .false.
361  dof = dof + 1
362  END DO
363  END DO
364  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%jj(nw,mesh_loc%me))
366  m_glob_to_loc = 0
367  virgin = .true.
368  dof = dom_np
369  DO m = me_loc(1), me_loc(2)
370  DO n = 1, nw
371  i = mesh%jj(n,m)
372  IF(virgin(i)) THEN
373  virgin(i) = .false.
374  IF (i .LT. np_loc(1)) THEN
375  dof = dof + 1
376  glob_to_loc(i) = dof
377  loc_to_glob(dof) = i
378  ELSE
379  glob_to_loc(i) = i-np_loc(1) + 1
380  loc_to_glob(i-np_loc(1) + 1) = i
381  END IF
382  END IF
383  END DO
384  m_loc_to_glob(m-me_loc(1)+1) = m
385  m_glob_to_loc(m) = m-me_loc(1)+1
386  END DO
388  DO n = 1, nw
389  mesh_loc%jj(n,1:dom_me) = glob_to_loc(mesh%jj(n,me_loc(1):me_loc(2)))
390  END DO
391  DO ns = 1, news
392  ms=inter_news(1,ns)
393  msop=inter_news(2,ns)
394  IF (mesh%neighs(ms) < me_loc(1) .OR. mesh%neighs(ms) > me_loc(2)) THEN
395  m = mesh%neighs(ms)
396  ELSE
397  m = mesh%neighs(msop)
398  END IF
400  DO n = 1, nw
401  i = mesh%jj(n,m)
402  IF(virgin(i)) THEN
403  virgin(i) = .false.
404  IF (i.GE.np_loc(1) .AND. i.LE.np_loc(2)) THEN
405  CALL error_petsc(.GE..AND..LE.'BUG in create_local_mesh, inp_loc(1) inp_loc(2)')
406  END IF
407  dof = dof + 1
408  glob_to_loc(i) = dof
409  loc_to_glob(dof) = i
410  END IF
411  END DO
412  mesh_loc%jj(:,dom_me+ns) = glob_to_loc(mesh%jj(:,m))
413  m_loc_to_glob(dom_me+ns) = m
414  m_glob_to_loc(m) = dom_me+ns
415  END DO
416  !==End re-order jj
418  !==Create mesh%loc_to_glob
419  IF (maxval(mesh_loc%jj)/=dof) THEN
420  CALL error_petsc('BUG in create_local_mesh, mesh_loc%jj)/=dof')
421  END IF
422  mesh_loc%np = dof
423  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%loc_to_glob(mesh_loc%np))
424  mesh_loc%loc_to_glob = loc_to_glob(1:mesh_loc%np)
425  !==End create mesh%loc_to_glob
427  !==Re-order rr
428  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%rr(dim,mesh_loc%np))
429  DO n = 1, mesh_loc%np
430  mesh_loc%rr(:,n) = mesh%rr(:,mesh_loc%loc_to_glob(n))
431  END DO
432  !==End re-order rr
434  !==Re-order neigh
435  not_my_cells = .true. !JLG Aug 18 2015
436  not_my_cells(m_loc_to_glob(1:mesh_loc%me)) = .false. !JLG Aug 18 2015
437  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%neigh(nwc,mesh_loc%me))
438  msup = maxval(m_loc_to_glob)
439  minf = minval(m_loc_to_glob)
440  DO m = 1, mesh_loc%me
441  DO n = 1, nwc
442  mop = mesh%neigh(n,m_loc_to_glob(m))
443  IF (mop==0) THEN
444  mesh_loc%neigh(n,m) = 0
445  !ELSE IF(mop<minf .OR. mop>msup) THEN
446  ELSE IF (not_my_cells(mop)) THEN !JLG Aug 18 2015
447  mesh_loc%neigh(n,m) = -1 !JLG Aug 13 2015
448  ELSE
449  mesh_loc%neigh(n,m) = m_glob_to_loc(mop)
450  END IF
451  END DO
452  END DO
453  !==End re-order neigh
455  !==Re-order i_d
456  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%i_d(mesh_loc%me))
457  mesh_loc%i_d = mesh%i_d(m_loc_to_glob(1:mesh_loc%me))
458  !==End re-order i_d
460  !==Re-order neighs
461  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%neighs(mesh_loc%mes))
462  mesh_loc%neighs = m_glob_to_loc(mesh%neighs(mes_loc(1):mes_loc(2)))
463  !==End re-order neighs
466  !==Re-order sides
467  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%sides(mesh_loc%mes))
468  mesh_loc%sides = mesh%sides(mes_loc(1):mes_loc(2))
469  !==End re-order sides
471  !==Re-order jjs
472  ALLOCATE(mesh_loc%jjs(nws,mesh_loc%mes))
473  DO ns = 1, nws
474  mesh_loc%jjs(ns,:) = glob_to_loc(mesh%jjs(ns,mes_loc(1):mes_loc(2)))
475  END DO
476  !==End re-order jjs
478  END SUBROUTINE create_local_mesh
480  SUBROUTINE free_mesh_after(mesh)
482  USE my_util
484  TYPE(mesh_type) :: mesh
486  DEALLOCATE(mesh%jj)
487  DEALLOCATE(mesh%jjs)
488  DEALLOCATE(mesh%rr)
489  DEALLOCATE(mesh%neigh)
490  DEALLOCATE(mesh%sides)
491  DEALLOCATE(mesh%neighs)
492  DEALLOCATE(mesh%i_d)
494  NULLIFY(mesh%loc_to_glob)
495  NULLIFY(mesh%disp)
496  NULLIFY(mesh%domnp)
497  NULLIFY(mesh%j_s)
499  IF (mesh%edge_stab) THEN
500  DEALLOCATE(mesh%iis)
501  NULLIFY(mesh%jji)
502  DEALLOCATE(mesh%jjsi)
503  DEALLOCATE(mesh%neighi)
504  END IF
505  mesh%dom_me = 0
506  mesh%dom_np = 0
507  mesh%dom_mes = 0
508  mesh%me = 0
509  mesh%mes = 0
510  mesh%np = 0
511  mesh%nps = 0
512  mesh%mi =0
513  mesh%edge_stab = .false.
515  END SUBROUTINE free_mesh_after
516 END MODULE metis_reorder_elements
subroutine create_local_mesh(mesh, mesh_loc, me_loc, mes_loc, np_loc, news, inter_news)
subroutine error_petsc(string)
Definition: my_util.f90:16
subroutine, public free_mesh_after(mesh)
subroutine plot_const_p1_label(jj, rr, uu, file_name)
Definition: sub_plot.f90:265
subroutine, public reorder_mesh(communicator, nb_proc, mesh, mesh_loc, list_of_interfaces)