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Summer 2014

The Workshop is in session from July 1 to 31. Workshop activities include seminars and the following conference events:

Concentration Week
This conference aims to provide a forum for understanding and exploring various recent developments in groups and dynamics that revolve around groupoids and equivalence relations. Topics will include topological orbit equivalence, amenability, hyperbolicity, self-similar groups, entropy, and rigidity in measurable group theory.
Concentration Week
Free Probability
July 21-25, 2014
The aim of the meeting is both to introduce younger researchers to this fast-growing field and to showcase the latest results. Topics discussed will include operator algebras, the connections to random matrix theory, operator-valued and fully matricial techniques, stochastic processes, limit theorems, and free stochastic differential equations.
SUMIRFAS - Summer Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar
July 25-27, 2014
Speakers: March Boedihardjo, Michael Brannan, Caleb Eckhardt, Matthew Kennedy, Vern Paulsen, Gilles Pisier, Lova Randrianarivony, Dan Voiculescu, Deping Ye