Colloquium: The Dynamics of Boolean Networks
Date: April 11, 2022
Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Location: Bloc 117
Speaker: Reinhard Laubenbacher, University of Florida
Description: A Boolean network in n variables is a function from the set of binary strings of length n to itself, defined through n Boolean rules. Boolean networks are used in several applications, from electrical engineering to systems biology. Aside from their usefulness, there are many interesting mathematical questions about their properties. Perhaps the most fundamental one is about the relationship between the structure of the Boolean rules in the network, its “genotype,” and the resulting dynamics, its “phenotype,” in the language of biology. Boolean rules can be viewed as polynomials over the field with two elements, making them amenable to analysis using computational algebra. As a result, research motivated by these questions leads to a rich interplay between combinatorics, computer algebra, and dynamical systems theory, motivated by concepts from biology. This talk will present some results in this field and discuss some open problems. In particular, it will explore a mathematical instantiation of the well-known property of biological systems that they display a modular structure.
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