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Texas A&M University

Number Theory Seminar

Date: April 14, 2022

Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM

Location: BLOC 302

Speaker: Changningphaabi Namoijam, National Tsing Hua University


Title: Transcendence of Special Values of Goss L-functions Attached to Drinfeld Modules

Abstract: Anderson introduced abelian t-modules, and then Goss defined L-function associated to abelian t-modules. In this talk, we discuss transcendence of special values of L-functions attached to Drinfeld modules (abelian t-modules of dimension one) defined over the rational function field F_q. We prove our result by employing a result of Anglès, Ngo Dac and Tavares Ribeiro, and transcendence theory of Papanikolas. This is joint work with Oğuz Gezmiş.