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All talks take place in room 166 of the Blocker Building.
Friday, July 28
1:00-2:00Registration and refreshments
2:00-3:00Tomasz Kania, Czech Academy of Sciences, and Jagiellonian University
Differential embeddings of Banach algebras and openness of multiplication thereof
3:00-3:30Coffee and refreshments
3:30-4:30Pavlos Motakis, York University
Reflexive Calkin algebras
Saturday, July 29
8:30-9:00Coffee and refreshments
9:00-10:00Eva Pernecká, Czech Technical University in Prague
Measure representation of functionals on Lipschitz spaces
10:00-10:15Coffee and refreshments
10:15-11:15Galina Livshyts, Georgia Tech
On the smallest singular value of inhomogeneous random matrices
11:15-11:30Coffee and refreshments
11:30-12:30David Blecher, University of Houston
Real operator spaces, complexification, and beyond
2:00-3:00Chris Gartland, University of California San Diego
Lipschitz Free Spaces over Unions
3:00-3:30Coffee and refreshments
3:30-4:30Tao Mei, Baylor University
Lp-unconditional decompositions of free group von Neumann algebras
6:30- BBQ and swimming at Janet and Bill Johnson's house
College Station,TX
Sunday, July 30
9:00-9:30Coffee and refreshments
9:30-10:30Francesco Fidaleo, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Spectral actions for free particles and their asymptotics
10:30-11:00Coffee and refreshments
11:00-12:00Paul Muller, Johannes Kepler Universität
Martingale Type, the Gamlen-Gaudet Construction and a Greedy Algorithm