- Stephen Capps
Modeling Fractional Diffusion Using Brownian Motion.
- Yaqi Dai
Relative monotonicity of secular determinants of quantum graphs.
- Madeline Hansalik
Magnetic Spectral Decimation on the Diamond Fractal.
- Jacob Hartzer
Periodicity of Irreducible Elements in Arithmetical Congruence Monoids.
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- Ronilo Ragodos
Percolation Clusters on Products of Fractal Graphs.
- Meghan Shanks
Quantifying CDS Sortability of Permutations Using Strategic Piles.
- Sicheng Wang
Parameter identification via surface deformations.
- Elise Walker
Jacobian elliptic Kummer surfaces and special function identities.
- Andrew Castillo
Higher dimensional linking of n-spheres in simplicial complexes embedded in the (2n+1)-sphere.
- Angel Castillo
The Sandpile Group of Series-Parallel Graphs.
- Jordan Cazamias
Exploring Shape Grammar Optimization as a Tool for Automated Design.
- Joseph L. Donnelly IV
How mathematical modeling of circadian rhythms could elucidate underlying biochemistry in mammalians.
- Nathan LaFerney
A Method of Placement for Spent Nuclear Fuel Pools.
- Will Linz
Counting Symmetric Fullerene Patches with 4 Pentagons.
- Steven Murray
Soft Wall Model for the Casimir effect.
- Barbara Smith
Modeling Mean Curvature Flow Using Cellular Automata.
- Kyle Williams
Time-Stepping Methods on the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation
- Bruce Zheng
Factorization Lengths of Arithmetic Congruence Monoids.