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Texas A&M University

Seminar on Banach and Metric Space Geometry

Date: May 6, 2016

Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Location: BLOC 220

Speaker: Pavlos Motakis, Texas A&M University


Title: Spreading models and spreading sequences in Banach spaces

Abstract: The notion of a spreading model plays a central role in the linear theory of Banach spaces and it concerns the asymptotic behavior of linear combinations of sequences in such spaces. It has been used in a variety of ways, e.g. to study the behavior of finite block sequences of Schauder bases and even to study properties of bounded linear operators on certain Banach spaces. A notion that goes hand in hand with spreading models is that of a spreading sequence, i.e. a sequence (xi) with the property that the map xi↦ xki extends to a linear isometry for any subsequence (xki) of (xi). We analyze the norm behavior of such sequences that are conditional and break them up into two basic components that are very well behaved. We apply this analysis to prove results such as the fact that every conditional spreading sequence is admitted as a spreading model of a quasi-reflexive Banach space and the fact that C(ωω) admits all possible spreading models, i.e. both the conditional and the unconditional ones. This lecture is based on joint work with S. A. Argyros and B. Sari