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Texas A&M University

Numerical Analysis Seminar

Date: March 8, 2017

Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Location: BLOC 628

Speaker: William Layton, University of Pittsburgh


Title: Numerical analysis of ensemble algorithms for fluid flow simulations

Abstract: One source of error in flow simulations is imprecise initial conditions (and other data) as magnified by exponential separation of trajectories in the NSE. Normally this is treated by computing an ensemble of solutions whereupon averaging gives the most likely prediction and the distribution about the mean is used to assess the predictions reliability. In GFD ensemble computation is widely reported to have doubled the predictability horizon even with ensemble sizes of 5-9 realizations. However, ensemble computations lead to an inevitable competition between mesh resolution for each realization and ensemble computation. This talk will present algorithms and their numerical analysis addressing this competition. New questions lead to new algorithms and new algorithms lead to new models and more questions. This talk is based is joint work with Nan Jiang [Missouri S&T],