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Texas A&M University

Analysis/PDE Reading Seminar

Date: September 19, 2017

Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM

Location: BLOC 624

Speaker: Eviatar Procaccia, TAMU


Title: Introduction to SLE (Schramm-Lowner Evolution)

Abstract: SLE is a family of random curves, which is proved to be the scaling limit of many discrete random interfaces, common in statistical physics. The study of SLE gave birth to beautiful techniques such as Smirnov's discrete holomorphic functions, and study of fractal dimension of random curves. In this first talk I will introduce the subject of SLE, starting from a background of models in statistical physics (percolation, loop erased radnom walk, etc), and then continuing with the fantastic discoveries of Oded Schramm, Greg Lawler, Wendelin Werner, Steffen Rhode and others.