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Texas A&M University

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar

Date: January 30, 2018

Time: 4:00PM - 4:50PM

Location: BLOC 220

Speaker: Davis Penneys, The Ohio State University


Title: Exotic fusion categories: EH3 exists!

Abstract: Fusion categories generalize the representation categories of (quantum) groups, and we think of them as objects which encode quantum symmetry. All currently known fusion categories fit into 4 families: those coming from groups, those coming from quantum groups, quadratic categories, and those related to the extended Haagerup (EH) subfactor. First, I'll explain what I mean by the preceding sentence. We'll then discuss the extended Haagerup subfactor, along with the newly constructed EH3 fusion category (in joint work with Grossman, Izumi, Morrison, Peters, and Snyder), and the possibility of the existence of EH4.