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Texas A&M University


Spring 2024


Date:February 1, 2024
Location:BLOC 306
Speaker:Dr. Reza Ovissipour, Texas A&M University
Title:Mathematics for the Agri-food Systems
Abstract:Mathematics for Agri-food Systems is the strategic application of mathematical principles and techniques to address challenges and optimize diverse facets within agriculture and the food supply chain. This discipline plays a pivotal role in elevating efficiency, productivity, and sustainability throughout agri-food systems. Its application spans various critical domains, encompassing statistical analysis, precision agriculture, modeling, optimization, traceability, blockchain, crop and livestock management, food safety risks, big data management, genetics, and decision support systems. The integration of mathematics into different facets of agri-food systems facilitates precise statistical analysis, enabling evidence-based decision-making. This interdisciplinary approach to mathematics in agri-food systems will be thoroughly explored during the seminar with an emphasis on its significance in food safety, big data management, precision agriculture, optimization, bioreactor scaling up, kinetics of changes, and the implementation of blockchain for traceability. The seminar will discuss how mathematical methodologies contribute to the advancement and sustainability of agri-food systems.

Date:February 15, 2024
Location:BLOC 306
Speaker:Dr. Peter Kuchment, Texas A&M University
Title:Wonderful Wizardry of Tomography. Mathematics of seeing inside a non-transparent body.

Date:February 29, 2024
Location:BLOC 306
Speaker:Dr. Prabir Daripa, Texas A&M University
Title:Introduction to modeling of population dynamics
Abstract:We will introduce some models, continuous and discrete, for population dynamics. Then we will study these at a very elementary level and discuss pros and cons of these models. We will show why mathematical understanding of these models are important before their use for estimating future population. There will be several takeaways from this talk including the emergence of chaos lurking in very simple models. The hallmark of this is that when "present" determines the future but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future". This is in essence "Chaos" (In Wikipedia, you find this as one of the definitions of "Chaos" within "Chaos Theory") as opposed to classical stability theory in which when the present determines the future and the approximate present does determine the future but may be a drastically different one. The content of the talk will be kept very simple so that it is accessible to even first year undergraduate students.

Date:March 21, 2024
Location:BLOC 306
Speaker:Dr. Alexandru Hening, Texas A&M University, Mathematics
Title:Can environmental fluctuations save species from extinction?
Abstract:In order to have a realistic mathematical model for the dynamics of interacting species in an ecosystem it is important to include the effects of random environmental fluctuations. Many have thought that environmental fluctuations are detrimental to the coexistence of species. However, this is not always the case. I will present to you some interesting examples where environmental fluctuations lead to highly counterintuitive results.

Date:April 4, 2024
Location:BLOC 306
Speaker:Dr. Guy Battle, Texas A&M University, Mathematics
Title:Nano-Electric Crystal Ball Calculation as a Problem in Number Theory
Abstract:Consider nano-crystals based on an arbitrary salt compound (with no regard for whether the technology for creating a chosen shape even exists). We pursue the problem of calculating the net electric charge due to a difference between the number of alkali ions and the number of halogen ions. If the crystal has an I^infinity shape of arbitrary size, then the net charge is essentially zero - i.e., zero plus or minus the fundamental unit of charge. In the case where the crystal has an I^1 shape, we derive an expression for the net charge that has the same order of magnitude as the area of the surface for an arbitrarily large size. In the case where the crystal has an I^2 shape, the problem of calculating the net charge for an arbitrary radius seems to be open. We discuss a couple of partial results.

Date:April 18, 2024
Location:BLOC 306
Speaker:Dr. William Rundell, Texas A&M University, Mathematics
Title:Eigenvalues; matrices and into differential equations: Can you hear the density of a vibrating string or the shape of a drum?
Abstract:In an undergraduate curriculum one sees eigenvalues in linear algebra and in the basic o.d.e. class one writes systems of equations, converts to a matrix question, and interprets the eigenvalues as pointers to the system's behaviour. We will go over this briefly enough to see the pattern of: "have problem, find eigenvalues, interpret behaviour." But it is a more interesting question to turn this around: "I have a differential equation or a system of such and its eigenvalues are known; what can you say about the system?" This is a partial explanation for the cryptic title. The purpose of the talk is to fill in some of the reasoning (and of course answer the questions in the title).