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Texas A&M University

Brown Bag Lunch Series on Teaching

Fall 2017


Date:September 14, 2017
Location:Blocker 220
Speaker:Jennifer Whitfield, Texas A&M
Title:Show me the Evidence. How do we know students are learning?
Abstract:Instructors oftentimes spend countless hours preparing class lectures. They look for the perfect problems to work in class, create graphs that surpass the standards required by many textbook publishers, and meticulously format outlines of the class notes. The effort instructors put into class preparation is immense, and these efforts do not go unnoticed; students do appreciate them. How much time and effort do instructors spend, however, finding evidence that students learn what they intend for them to learn? When and how do they collect such evidence and what do instructors do with the evidence? This talk will have attendees reflect on these questions and provide a few ideas on techniques instructors can use to collect evidence and then use the evidence to drive their instruction.

Date:October 12, 2017
Location:Blocker 220
Speaker:Ben Aurispa, Texas A&M
Title:Using Additional WebAssign Features to Aid Instruction
Abstract:Many instructors view WebAssign as just a homework platform. While this is the primary purpose, there are features within WebAssign that can aid in instruction by helping instructors to see what problems students struggle with and can help identify students who may be at risk. Instructors can also see how much time students spend in WebAssign and exactly when they are doing their homework. I will discuss these features as well as some of their limitations.

Date:November 9, 2017
Location:Blocker 220
Speaker:Tamara Carter, Texas A&M
Title:Talking Technology
Abstract:Technology can be used to enhance interaction in the classroom, facilitate discussions between classes, create lessons and exam, gather information from students, disseminate information to students, and much more. The technology that you use regularly is probably unfamiliar to some of us. Please join us to share a bit of information about your favorite forms of technology and hear great ideas from others. Here is a link to the presentation document:

Date:December 7, 2017
Location:Blocker 220
Speaker:Kendra Kilmer, Texas A&M
Title:The First Day of Class - What Tone are We Setting for the Semester?
Abstract:People always talk about how important first impressions are. It is important for us, as teachers, to reflect about the first impression that we make with our students. I truly believe that the first day of class makes a big impact on our students’ mindsets throughout the semester. In this discussion, it is my hope that we can all reflect on how we run our first day of class and the impact it has on our students.