Results of REU Research 2023
REU Mini-Conference, July 24-25, 2023
Schedule and Abstracts
Participants, Presentations, and Reports
- Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Biology Mentor: Prof. Anne Shiu
- Michaela Thompson (Fairfield University): Identifiability of Linear Compartmental Model Parameter Subsets (slides)
- Katherine Clemens (Bryn Mawr College): Analyzing Eleven Bistable Gene Regulatory Networks for Hopf Bifurcations (slides)
- Jonathan Martinez (U Southern California): Understanding the Properties, Operations, and Identifiability Degree of One-Input/One-Output Mammillary Models (slides)
- Algorithmic algebraic geometry Mentor: Prof. J. Maurice Rojas
- Faith Ellison (Southern University A&M): Computing Isotopy Types of Zero Sets of Circuit Polynomials (slides, report)
- Cydnee Evans (Texas A&M University): Counting and Finding Real Roots of Trinomials (slides, report)
- Vaishali Miriyagalla (Bowdoin College): Developing a New Tool for Modeling the Topology of Zero Sets of Near-Circuit Polynomials (slides, report)
- Number theory Mentor: Prof. Matt Young
- Georgia Corbett (Bucknell): Extremal values of newform Dedekind sums
- Elena De Leon (Texas Woman's University) and Wade McCormick (UC Berkeley): The Image of Newform Dedekind Sums attached to Quadratic Characters
- Probability and algebra Mentor: Prof. Jeffrey Kuan
Group photo (July 2023)